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Many time when we think of our youth we think of narcissism, and their only living in the moment and immediate


Narcissism or Altruism Which Will We Choose

Posted by:  Bilal Mahmud 06/04/2012

gratification.  Today i had the honor of witnessing the culmination of a list of events that bought a happy ending to a story that I became familiar with about two weeks ago.  As a Muslim my belief is that nothing just happens, everything is predestined and we just have to ultimately live it out.  That is not to say that we do not have free will, but the choices we make will ultimately bring us to a destination that is predetermined by our Creator.  People come into our lives for a season or for a reason, and sometime for both.  Many times circumstances that seem difficult at the time are a preparation of something good in the end.  after every hardship there is ease. 
As mentioned before hand we had an experience today that really touch my heart, Some days ago we came to know of three young individual that defied the odds and made monumental academic accomplishment and graduated from high school with honors.  Before graduations  non of them knew of the others , but each of them had a task at hand and they wanted to do their best to complete that task. 


  Bilal Mahmud delivers the gift of $1500.00 to Frederick Dukes on behalf  of Zakat U.S.A.

Around lunch today I had the honor and pleasure of meeting the third young graduate  who's name is Frederick Dukes, who because of his tenacity  and determination in completing his graduation with honors, was awarded $1500.00 by Zakat U.S.A. and its partners in do good works. 

I feel it very necessary to explain why I used narcissism in the beginning of this of this discourse rather than altruism which is the most appropriate definition to describe this chain of events.  As mentioned there were three graduates that we must be very proud of , but one of them is to be dubbed Ms. Altruism in this chain of events.  When the article first appeared in the A.J.C.  it naturally caught the eye of the parents of   valedictorian at Lovett School Sister Zainub Dhanani.  Zainub's parents wanted to do something special for their daughter, they knew that she wanted an Apple computer for college next year, so they had allocated two thousand dollars for the purchasing of the computer.  Man plans and Allah is the best of planners, some friend or relatives of Zainub did a fast break and bought her a computer.  That desire of Zainub's had been satisfied, so her parents said since you have a new computer we will just give you two thousand dollars to spend as you like.  This is when altruism over rode the narcissism in our Sister Zainub, who I must remind you is only 18 years old.  Her reply to her parents is, even though I have worked hard to become valedictorian,  I had a much better support system than these other two young people , therefore take the two thousand and give it to them.  The parents were totally amazed but went on to comply with the request of their daughter. 


Bilal Mahmud delivers gift of $1500.00 to Sister Ciera Dunn on behalf of Zakat U.S.A.

While doing investigation it was discovered  that Ms. Ciera Dunn needed funds to repair her car to be able to continue working and going to school, so the parents of Zainub decide to give a gift of $1500.00 to Ms. Dunn. 
Since there was only $2000.00 allocated to be given that left only $500.00 to be given to Mr. Fredrick Dukes. 


When Zainub came to know of this disparity she partitioned her parents arguing that it would not be just to give one student $1500.00 and the other only $500.00, therefore in her humble opinion an additional $1000.00 dollars need be allocated to make Mr. Duke whole....I pray that Allah will keep my Sister Zainub on this path, it is the path of the Prophets and all the righteous men and women that have preceded us , and is surely a path that will lead to Paradise.  Thank you Zainub!  I am so Proud Of You...Uncle Bilal


Full Story AJC:  http://www.ajc.com/news/teens-face-adversity-juggle-1445206.html

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Views: 475

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on June 5, 2012 at 12:11am

Another Story To Be Proud Of...David Boone


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