Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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(NAMAW) condemns continued Arab government violence against Muslim protesters

National Association of Muslim American Women
 (NAMAW) condemns continued Arab government violence against Muslim protesters, calls for OIC to intervene



Muslims must be allowed to protest peacefully in their countries without fear of government violence. OIC and not the UN Security Council should take up issue of violence against Muslims in Muslim countries.


Washington DC- February 22, 2011

NAMAW condemns the government sponsored violence being carried out by the Arab governments against the peaceful Muslim protesters in the Muslim world.  Islam gives Muslims the right and in fact obliges Muslims to protest against injustice of all kinds and oppression.

For decades Muslim people have tolerated the worst forms of government oppression and denial of basic human rights. We have lived under the rule of tyrannical regimes who failed to prioritize the needs of their own people, and who served foreign governments and interests at the expense of citizens. Now the people are protesting and calling for an end to the tyrannical regimes and freedom. In response, the nationalist governments are attacking and massacring the people in places such as Libya, Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco and Algeria. This is unacceptable and must end.


NAMAW calls upon the OIC to demand an end to all government violence against Muslim protesters. We ask the UN Security Council not to interfere in  the affairs of Muslims and our governments. The UNSC has proven over and over again that it has no real or sincere interest in Muslim rights, or justice. Muslims should refuse to have our righteous cause polluted by the politics of the Zionist dominated United Nations.


Muslims should not tolerate any foreign troops, not even under the auspices of the UN to be stationed in Muslim countries and should not allow the revolutions to be used by the UN as a pretense for stationing foreign troops in Muslim countries to  control the people, or the resources.


The revolution presently underway in the Muslim world will begin a new era of Muslim independence from the unjust international institutions who have over the years, ignored Muslim suffering, oppression of Muslims, deprivation of Muslim human rights torture and genocide against Muslims.


The Organization Islamic Conference (OIC) enjoys Muslim and Arab support and is able to resolve the issue of violence against Muslims  being carried out by their governments, and also to use the International Islamic Court as a pursuer of justice in the Muslim world, and defender and protector of the rights of Muslims.  


We call upon the qto call for an emergency meeting where it will begin the important task of organizing Muslim peacekeeping forces from cooperative Muslim countries and armies to deploy to the Muslim countries where  governments are carrying out massacres and other violence unjust against Muslims to put an end to such violence.     



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