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Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter Year End Appeal On Behalf Of Your Muslim Sisters Who Are Homeless

Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter Year End Appeal On Behalf Of Your Muslim Sisters Who Are Homeless

via paypal: http://paypal.me/IngeBenevolentMinist
or online: http://www. mnisaashelter.org/ Since 2001, Muslimat Al-Nisaa Shelter (MNISAA) has been providing shelter to Muslim women and their children.
Though located in Maryland, being the only shelter housing exclusively for Muslim women and children, seventy five percent of our participants tra...vel to us from outside of the DC/MD/VA area from all across the United States and beyond. These our Muslim Sisters come mainly as refugees awaiting status, or those impacted by natural disasters as well as victims of domestic violence rejected by their families and ignored by their communities with no available resources. We have had cases of Muslim women living in parks or walking the highway, destitute by floods and hurricanes or released from deportation incarceration. 89% of our total residents are immigrants to this country. 5% are due to us being contacted by Embassies, 40% contact us from human rights/international refugee organizations, 25% from Masjids, with the remaining 30% being either self-referred or a social service agency calling on behalf of someone known to be in need.
Because it is a home environment with no residency term restriction, our statistics show that 90% of Muslimat Al-Nisaa’s residents achieve self-sufficiency and are able to assume/resume a productive, fulfilling life.

Muslimat Al Nisaa shelter offers culturally competent services within an Islamic atmosphere specifically designed to help homeless refugees, widows, orphaned, Muslim women and children and Muslim women victims of domestic violence obtain education, employment and regain permanent housing. In 2016, MNISAA helped 77 women get back on their feet - this means these women are now living in their own housing, are employed, and some are enrolled in school while still being able to care for their children.

This year, there were cases like that of Sarah* who came to the shelter. MNISAA provided Sarah the safe haven she needed to leave an abusive situation and have a home for herself and her children in America. During her time at MNISAA, Sarah enrolled in ESL classes to improve her English and was able to gain employment in housekeeping at a hotel. She is currently working towards an associate's degree in Business Administration and was also able to obtain status and secure her own apartment for her and her children.

IBM/MNISAA shelter gives the women that come to the home a chance at a new start in life.
A 501c3 organization, IBM/MNISAA shelter runs on the generosity of donors. As 2017 wraps and we head into a New Year, we ask that you make a donation to help IBM/MNISAA shelter continue its very important mission of helping Muslim women from across the country rebuild their lives by providing the only safe haven & long term housing exclusively for Muslim women and children.

Views: 119

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 28, 2017 at 11:16pm


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We desperately need your help ...$1.00 per month could make a huge  difference....donate today

Donate at paypal: https://www.paypal.com/home

To:  jabal51@hotmail.com

Send To:  LDC  LLC,

P.O. Box 1241,

Conley, Ga. 30288-7018

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