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Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter Seeks Aid for Refugee Resettlement

Muslimat Al Nisaa's Afghanistan Refugee Housing Expansion & Resettlement Program Emergency Funding Request
Poll: Republican support for Afghan refugees wanes as Trump, Fox News promote anti-immigrant claims
Evacuees who fled Afghanistan walk through Dulles International Airport in Virginia on Sunday. (Kent Nishimura/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
"(For) Those who believe and emigrated and struggled hard in the cause of Allah and those who gave them shelter and helped, these are the true believers; they shall have forgiveness and a great reward."     Quran (8:74)13 


13 Members of the Armed Services Gave Their Lives Rescuing Others.  Honoring This Request For The Finances To House Them In America Is The Least That Can Be GivenOn Behalf of Their  Sacrifice



Based on recent events within Afghanistan, there now exists an urgent need for Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter to increase our Refugee Resettlement Program in order to provide a safe haven and trauma assistance for immigrating refugee families. 


Through the years, previous referrals had come from community-based human rights, trafficking and international refugee organizations.  ( history of references attached). While these agencies lead in conflict-generated displacement, not providing housing, they contacted Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter.  While many are giving "things", what we know as fact,  "The most critical need after being forced to flee their homes, whether they be refugees fleeing conflict or internally displaced trafficking victims, is for stability through the provision of a dignified housing solution."   Many do not know of our relationship with such organizations or that in numerous situations, our role has been at the center of many of the world's humanitarian emergencies.  However, rather than have Muslims turn away Muslims, especially after other organizations worked diligently in getting them into this country to safety, we accepted this added responsibility. 




There are several reasons to be culturally and spiritually sensitive to  every culture and religion, be they Muslim, Christian or Jewish.  Witnessing associated stigma’s, in 2007, as Executive Director and Founder of Muslimat Al Nisaa/Inge Benevolent Ministries, Chaplain Asma Inge-Hanif opened her home to shelter homeless Muslim women victims of Domestic Violence, not as a discriminatory effort but to counteract the same prejudices still in existence and being highlighted in social media of today; thus only to fulfill an unmet need to assist them as they struggle to achieve their self-esteem, their self-worth and their self-sufficiency. 

Inge Benevolent Ministries dba Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter,  is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, with a Gold GuideStar rating and in 'Good Standing' with the Secretary of State, which among our many outreach programs, have been providing shelter services for over 25 years for those immigrating to this country. 

We established the only shelter housing program in America exclusively for muslim women and children accepting individuals traveling to us nationwide and in some cases internationally. For this reason we receive phone calls and emails from those in need of housing and the programs which we provide to immigrants regardless of one's status. We are not government funded and have survived from the donation kindness of strangers. We have been inundated with requests from those seeking a culturally competent islamic environment.  Once arriving safely, accepting them would require increasing and expanding our housing capacity and resettlement program services.  For their safety we protect their anonymity and maintain their confidentiality.
Executive Director & Founder, Asma Inge-Hanif is not only FEMA/Diaster Relief trained, an Advanced Nurse Practitioner but is also a Certified Chaplain, graduate of Hartford Seminary with a degree in Muslim-Christian Relations.  Through our years of housing refugees has shown Director Hanif the mitigating results and their high vulnerability to psychological distress, such as the associated sadness,  frustration, anxiety, and symptoms related to normal emotional responses to adversity.   Receiving calls and emails from not only those in Afghanistan pleading for our help but also from refugee and human rights organizations who know of Muslimat Al Nisaa and have utilized our program in the past, based on our 45 years providing these exact services, we are uniquely suited to address the associated challenges.  However, although grants were announced and available, funding for community-based and minority-owned businesses/organizations such as my organization that needed a lifeline aren't prioritized, get lost in the shuffle, with paperwork too complicated to complete and/or are denied.  Unfortunately, there are structural inequities which have become institutionalized and must be acknowledged and addressed.  Nevertheless, providing housing exclusively for Muslim women is a priority for us and Inge Benevolent Ministries dba Muslimat Al Nisaa Shelter struggles to fulfill that need.  The only possible means to accept all who are reaching out to us is to reach out to like minded individuals and/or their organizations.  If our years of service (documented below), means anything, trust us to continue to do what we are known to do and financially support this urgent and life threatening  need for expansion.

Inge Benevolent Ministries ‘REFUGEE RESETTLEMENT EXPANSION HOUSING" program response goal will maintain a total of 119 apartments and provide permanent supportive housing with and within a muslim community environment.

Amount Needed:
Housing of 119 Afghani families x 3 years = $2,960,000
Social Services Case Manager x 2 x 3 years = $300,000
Transportation = $125,000
Education Services Director = $75,000
Executive Program Manager = $250,000
Legal Consultant = $90,000




Muslimat Al Nisaa shelter, through established alliances with other human rights and international refugee organizations are able to include social services and immigration services. Educational workshops which specifically address areas such as providing ESOL classes, spiritual development, financial planning, conflict resolution and personal empowerment are additional resources assisting them upon their journey toward self-sufficiency – which is the ultimate goal. In doing so, not only are they given the tools to succeed through an increase in knowledge, depending on monetary donations received, Muslim refugees can be connected to the same resources generally afforded to other individuals within America and help them on a path toward living successful lives. The goal of the refugee resettlement Housing & Case Management program is to provide immigrating Muslim refugees an environment of safety, support, and resources to develop the necessary life skills to become self-sufficient before attempting their own desired permanent housing.  This will include promoting instruction and training on the rights and responsibilities of United States citizenship.  The sooner refugees and asylees are able to engage in their communities, the more likely they are to find satisfaction and success in their personal and professional lives; the more likely they are to make positive contributions to their communities and the Nation; and the more likely they are to become naturalized citizens. It is critical to provide former refugees and asylees with opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to fully assimilate into American society.


Please support this urgent and life-threatening effort. 


Views: 69

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 4, 2021 at 1:44am
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 4, 2021 at 1:45am

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