Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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The Muslim Man’s Pledge Against

Domestic Violence

  1. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah (SWT) and that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is His Final Messenger.

  1. I believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is the best role model and I strive to follow his habits and customs (Sunnah) in every aspect of my life.

  1. I recognize that Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was also the best towards his wives and never used violence against them (according to hadith).

  1. As a Muslim, I believe that the Qur’an is the Word of Allah (SWT) transmitted through the Angel Jibril (AS) to the heart of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

  1. I believe that Allah (SWT) makes it clear in the Glorious Qur’an that a Muslim must abide by his word and that if he promises something or makes an oath, he must not break it.

  1. Therefore, today I swear in the Name of Allah (SWT) that I will live my life in accordance with His decree in the Noble Qur’an and through the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). And I promise to Allah (SWT) that I will never intentionally use violence – physical, emotional, psychological, etc. – to abuse any of the women in my life.

  1. Further, I ask Allah (SWT) today to always keep me on the siratal mustaqeem (straight path) and to always give me the taufiq (ability) to be the best man I can be towards the women and children in my life. I ask Allah (SWT) to fill my life with baraka (abundance) so that I may always strive to do good.

  1. In the Qur’an, Allah (SWT) says that on the Day of Judgment, Muslims will be judged for what we did and what we left undone. Therefore, I pledge to not only love and be good towards the women and children in my life, but also speak out and act against men in the community who are violent, recognizing that I have a responsibility to protect the honor of ALL MUSLIM WOMEN.

Br. Shaam Abdus-Salaam (Shyam K. Sriram)

Muslim Men Against Domestic Violence


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