Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

Dear Friends,

Opens on Friday:  February 11, 2011 Atlanta, Ga. ....
1 hr. 39 min.
(PG-13), for thematic material and some violent content
Showing On
AMC North DeKalb Mall 16
2050 Lawrenceville Hwy.
Ste. F-22
Decatur, GA  30033

Online ticketing is available for showtimes in blue.
  10:45am 1:00pm 3:15pm 5:30pm 7:45pm 10:15pm
As Salaamu Alaikum,
Last night we went to The Lincoln Center in NYC to see the movie "Mooz-Lum". It was an amazing movie. Everyone should go to see it and take their non-muslim family and friends with them. The audience last night was largely non-muslims and they expressed that it was an eye-opening for them.
Ruby Dee was in attendance and she spoke afterwards, telling the largely African American audience that many of them knew Muslims or had muslims in their family, also admitting that there are muslims in her family (her daughter as you probable already know is Muslim). She said to the audience that "You know about Jesus now go and learn about Muhammad." Very inspiring.

I am writing to you to publicize an extraordinary film event. MOOZ-lum the Movie will open at AMC theaters nationwide on Friday, February 11. For the first time ever, a film written by an American Muslim about the American Muslim experience will be shown in major theaters.

Last month, here in Atlanta, I met the writer/director of the project, Qasim Basir, and he shared how a near-death experience inspired him to make this film. In part, he drew from his experiences as one of the few Blackamerican students in a Pakistani madrassah in the Detroit area, who was then thrust into the public school system, while desperately trying to find himself as an American Muslim. The film is set amid the backdrop of September 11, 2001.

For more information, please visit:


I have to admit, that after viewing the trailer multiple times, I still cry.

If you are interested in purchasing group tickets at a discount, please let me know as soon as possible. I have a source here in Atlanta who is authorized to sell discounted AMC vouchers. As a disclaimer, I am in no way profiting from promoting this film. I simply met the writer/director and wanted to spread the word.

All the best,

Zaynab Ansari Abdul-Razacq
Atlanta, GA

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on February 3, 2011 at 8:31am


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