Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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A Vital Communal Connection

April 2022

Ramadan Mubarak
As Salaam Alaikum Dear Believers:
The esteemed scholar, Dr. Sherman Jackson, has noted that the African American community is the only community in the Western world that has a significant transgenerational engagement with Islam. He further notes that this engagement serves to legitimize Islam as an indigenous American religion. Should our community lose that connection with Islam we lose that legitimacy. This loss will not just be one whose implications are confined to the African American community; it will be a loss that reverberates throughout the entire body of Islam in the West.
The Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) is working to preserve that connection between Islam and the African American community, while simultaneously building bridges of understanding and cooperation with the wider American Muslim community. Our efforts have been reflected in our programming and networking throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. As we move beyond the pandemic, we look forward to expanding our programming and services in order to enhance our efforts to maintain a vital communal connection. Your generous support will help us immensely towards the attainment of that goal.
May you, your family, and all your loved ones enjoy a blessed, purifying Ramadan. Please remember us in your prayers and know that we greatly appreciate your support.


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Imam Zaid Shakir
President, Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA)

Views: 46

Comment by karriem el-amin shabazz on April 4, 2022 at 3:42pm

Ramadhan mubarak akh.


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