Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Allah's Messenger (sallillahu alayhee wa alaiyhi wasalam) said:

"Love the one whom you love to a certain degree (moderately); Perhaps one day he will be someone for whom you have hatred; And hate the one for whom you have hatred to a certain degree (moderately); Perhaps one day he will be one whom
you love." Sunan at-Tirmidhi

The Prophet (Sallillahu alayhee wa alaiyhi wasalam) said;

"Everyone will be with those whom he loves." Sahih Bukhari

Narrated Anas ibn Malik said: 'A man passed the Messenger of Allah (Sallillahu alayhee wa alaiyhi wasalam) who was in the company of some people, so a man from those with him said, "Indeed I love that person for Allah's sake."' So the Messenger of Allah said: 'Have you informed him?' He said: 'No' He (the Messenger of Allah) said:'Go to him & inform him.' So he went & informed him, so he replied:
'May the One for whose sake you have loved me love you.' Then he returned & the Messenger of Allah asked him & he told him what he said. So the Messenger of Allah said:"You will be with the one whom you have loved & there will be for you the reward that you hoped for." Abu Dawood, Ahmad & Al Hakim

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