Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Six measuremeUnLints to help determine how livable living under non-Muslim rule are for Muslims. They are protection of religion (deen), life (nafs), progeny (nasl), common sense (aql), property (mal), and honor (ird).

Preservation of Religion

In Xinjiang, China “there have also been reports of the government banning Muslims from fasting during Ramadan, or women wearing veils.” The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) states that an investigation in 2020 revealed that “’thousands of mosques’” in the region have either been damaged or destroyed in just three years.

What you should know about China’s minority Uighurs | Uighur News |...


Preservation of Life

“The 2020 Delhi riots, or North East Delhi riots, were multiple waves of bloodshed, property destruction, and rioting in North East Delhi, beginning on 23 February 2020 and caused chiefly by Hindu mobs attacking Muslims.”  

2020 Delhi riots - Wikipedia


Preservation of Progeny

China tries to control how many children the Uighurs can have.

What you should know about China’s minority Uighurs | Uighur News |...


The Preservation of Common Sense

The president of France, Macron, has a plan called “separatism” plan, “which includes a partial overhaul of the way Islam is organized in France.”

French Muslims, stigmatized by attacks, feel under pressure | AP News


Preservation of Property


Israel’s Demolition of Palestinian Homes: “The extent of the destruction since 1948: at least 130,000 homes and other structures (farm buildings, reservoirs, mosques, community buildings, schools, etc.)”   

Israel’s Demolition of Palestinian Homes: A Fact Sheet - ICAHD


Preservation of Respect


“Islam isn’t officially recognized by Italy as a religion (like the Roman Catholic Church pdf).”  

“According to a 2015 survey by the Pew Research Center, 61% Italians hold negative views of Muslims in their country.”

There are over 1.6 million Muslims in Italy—and only eight mosques ...

 Dr. Antar Ibn-Stanford


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