Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Khalifah Naeemah Ziyad ... W.Deen Mohammed High School 2015



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The mission of Mohammed Schools is to provide an education based on Qur’anic principles and their universal application. Our goal is to teach all students to accept their G’d given responsibilities and full potential, as we provide a nurturing environment that engages students in discovery and critical thinking We strive to develop a cooperative partnership among students, family and community in creating a dynamic, prosperous, G’d conscious community of enlightened leaders and effective global citizens.



                                              Sister Naeemah Ziyad

                  Till now we stand at last where the white gleam of our bright star is cast

In order for light to be acknowledged, we must learn to appreciate darkness. Darkness, makes light relevant. We need light to see those things, darkness once covered. Light, makes what was originally unclear, discernible. Light as an entity, illuminates, clarifies, sharpens, and serves as a guide...just as the North lead our forefathers into freedom as they escaped the brutal reality of slavery. This North Star is known for being almost completely still in the sky while the nature northern sky moves around it.  (pause) Certainly there have been times in our history where progressively it appeared that we were standing still while the world was spinning around us... When our beloved ancestors were prohibited from learning to read and write by their slave masters, it appeared that we were standing still. When the Emancipation Proclamation was passed and then countered by the emergence of Black codes and Jim Crow Laws, it appeared that we were standing still. And when the segregated south prevented us from sharing public facilities with our fellow White Americans, yet again, it appeared that we were standing still. (somber mood)

    (elated) Oh but when the abolitionist movement gained strength under the leadership of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and others--we did NOT stand still. When the Civil War erupted and 186,000 African American troop fought dauntlessly to become free, we did not stand still. When we marched, arm and arm, in Selma, Alabama, during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, to stamp out the horrendous legacy of inequality, we were not standing still. And when we elected the first African-American president and elevated his illustrious wife to the status of "First Lady," we were not standing still!!... Till now we stand at last, where the white gleam of out bright star is Cast!!

    I say, that remembering Allah in every endeavor brings us closer to His Light. I say, that seeking forgiveness for our sins on a regular basis helps us to absorb Allah's light. Being kind to our parents and assisting them in every way possible, enables us to embrace the light from Allah. I further say that reading the Quran in a way that its Holy script envelope our souls, brings us closer to His light...that striving to be the best Muslim that we can be, lights us up, brothers and sisters, and affords us the opportunity to receive true enlightenment from Allah (SWT). As long as we strive to submit our whole selves to Allah, (SWT), no darkness, no evil can deter us from reaching our luminous goals. Alhamdullilahi, Rabbil Alameen!

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 25, 2015 at 3:24pm

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 26, 2015 at 4:01am

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                                       اليدين في الهواء


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