Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Jailed Civil Rights Attorney Lynne Stewart Seeks Compassionate Release Over Worsening Cancer

NCPCF Urgent Action Item
Dear NCPCF member/supporter:
Please help us get Lynne Stewart released this week. Sign the petition today. Promote it to your friends and social media. This is a moment of urgent action. Do not postpone. Thank you.


Please click here to sign or re-sign the petition for compassionate release for Lynne Stewart.  Keep the pressure on! 
Go to DemocracyNow.org for today's interview with Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Atty. General re Compassionate Release request, and Renee Feltz, Democracy Now producer re her visit with Lynne last Friday.  And for videos & photos of Lynne. 
BREAKING NEWS - May 15, 2013 
The International Petition Campaign to Free Lynne Stewart and Save Her Life is gratified to report that today, following urgent communications from former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and social activist Dick Gregory, that Federal Bureau of Prisons General Counsel Kathleen Kenney telephoned Ramsey Clark to advise that a recommendation of Compassionate Release for Lynne Stewart from FMC Carswell Warden Jody R. Upton is on the desk of FBP Director Charles E. Samuels, Jr. with a full package of documentation. 

Ramsey Clark and the International Petition Campaign are on stand-by for further news regarding Federal Bureau of Prisons implementation of Compassionate Release for Lynne Stewart with the appropriate filing of this Motion with Judge John Koetl.

We call upon all to intensify our collective efforts and expand the Petition Campaign as this life and death decision for Lynne Stewart is pending.

Our grateful thanks to all for your dedication and commitment in waging this struggle for justice, compassion and freedom for Lynne Stewart.

(This Breaking News Update was sent out by Ralph Poynter, Lynne's husband.)
For more information and latest updates, go to LynneStewart.org 

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