Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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JERUSALEM - A senior Israeli defence official has warned that Palestinian efforts to isolate Israel and secure recognition

Israeli dictionary: war is peace, diplomacy is war

Israeli fears Palestinians' growing diplomatic successes as Tel Aviv becomes more isolated internationally.



of a state were as serious for the Jewish state as a "war," media reports said.

The comments, made by Amos Gilad during a private meeting but recorded and broadcast by Israel's Channel 10 television on Monday, highlight Israeli fears about the Palestinians' growing diplomatic successes.

"Israel's isolation in September, the beginning of the isolation, will be no less severe than war," Gilad could be heard saying.

Palestinians, who are pursuing a diplomatic campaign to secure global recognition for their independence, have pledged to seek UN backing for their state within the 1967 borders in a move expected to take place in September.

The Palestinian campaign was described by Gilad as "an international assault against Israel."

Israel is fiercely opposed to such a move, arguing that negotiations are the only way to end the conflict and establish a Palestinian state.

So far, eight Latin American nations have recognised a Palestinian state, and a growing number of European countries have upgraded the Palestinians' diplomatic representation.

The campaign to secure international recognition began after peace talks collapsed late last year over the thorny issue of Jewish settlement.

Direct talks ground to a halt three weeks after they were started in September 2010 when Israel baulked at extending a 10-month partial freeze on new settlement construction in the West Bank.

Since then, the Palestinians have refused all direct contact, saying they will not talk while Israel builds on land they want for a future state.


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