Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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                                                        Islamic Online University


Islamic Online University


Diploma Courses  

A series of completely free diploma courses arranged into an organized program of study wherein students who follow the recommended sequence will embark on a study program guided by Dr. Bilal Philips himself. The program provides an introduction to the basic Islamic sciences and insight into the manhaj or way of the Prophet (pbuh) as embodied in the Qur'aan and authentic Sunnah in accordance with the understanding of the first generation. Some of the courses will be on topics of immediate and practical relevance to the students. The free course of study will also introduce students who wish to pursue an accredited BA or MA in Islamic Studies to the methodology of the BAIS program.

Certificates will be given for each of the free courses and a diploma for those who complete all of the free courses.

To access the free diploma courses you need to create a Free Study Account for yourself. Creating a Free Study Account is quick easy and of course FREE!

To make a Free Study Account just click on the 'Register Now' button which will take you to the sign up form. Please provide an email ID that you use regularly as this will be used for your account activation and future correspondence. On completion of the form press the 'Create my new account' button. A link will be sent to you via email. Click on the link within the mail to activate your account. If you do not receive the activation mail within 24 hours (it is usually sent out immediately) check your Spam box. If its not there either please send an email to support@islamiconlineuniversity.com, mentioning your full name and the email ID you used to create the Free Study Account.

Once you have activated your Free Study Account you are ready to enroll for the courses (Enrollment is FREE!). Log in to the site and click on the course you wish to enroll for. You will be asked to confirm that you wish to enroll for the course by clicking on the 'Yes' button. Once you do that you will be taken to the Course page and you can start traveling on the path to knowledge and bi-izniLlaah the path to Paradise.


BAIS Course

From the 1st of April, 2010 the Islamic Online University (IOU) launched the world’s first tuition-free, Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies in English completely online. This is seen as a major new step towards helping Muslims across the globe fulfill the Prophet's command to seek knowledge of the religion and correct their understanding of its tenets.

The program has recorded audio and video lectures and weekly live tutorial classes in a virtual classroom setting on the net and its syllabus is based on the BA in Usool ud-Deen (Religious Foundations) curriculums of Madeenah University, Saudi Arabia, Omdurman Islamic University, Sudan, Al-Azhar in Egypt and other similar reputable Islamic institutions. Six subjects are offered each semester. Each semester is 5 months, having an online mid-term exam after two and a half months and a supervised final online at the end of the fifth month. Students are free to access their classes whenever it is convenient for them, however assignments have to be turned in and exams (mid-term and finals) have to be taken at fixed times.

There are no fees for the courses. However, there is a fixed symbolic registration fee and examination fee each semester which is calculated on a sliding scale (from $20 to $60) depending on the student's country of residence.

Islamic Online University


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