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ISB: Finishing the 2013 Year Strong - What Can We Do Together?

Click here:  ISB: Finishing the 2013 Year Strong - What Can We Do Together?

ISB Atlanta
ISB Atlanta                                                                            2013 Year End Message


As we come close to the end of 2013, we ask that you consider the ISB in your year end giving. Your generous year-end donation will help the ISB carry out our educational programming. The results of our programs include decreasing bullying in schools, improving the interaction with law enforcement and building interfaith collaboration.

Your gift of:
  • $2,500 will sponsor the ISB Newsletter for one year.
  • $1,000 will sponsor the weekly Jumah prayer at the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
  • $500 will support our operations budget.
  • $100 will sponsor one ISB presentation.
Your donation will aid in achieving our 2014 ISB Strategic Goals. Click here to make your tax-deductible donation now. Our tax exemption number is # 20-5638166.  You may also mail your donation to ISB, P.O. Box 2608 Peachtree City, GA 30269.
Looking back at 2013, ISB has worked diligently with our partners and supporters in order to achieve our goals. The ISB partnered with the Atlanta Interfaith Broadcasters (AIB) to produce a 16 part series on topics important to our viewers, such as Sharia law, Women in Islam, Diversity within Islam, and History of Islam in America. In addition to dealing with many topics about Islam, the show also featured local Muslims and discussed their contribution to the Atlanta community and the world.  This series has been shown multiple times and has become a huge hit! Moments such as these are a simple example of how the ISB is impacting the Atlanta community.
Thanks for your support, here are just a few highlights of our work in 2013:
  • Partnered with several libraries to organize and present "Bridging Cultures Bookshelf on Muslim Journeys". This was a National Endowment for Humanities program.
  • Joined other faith communities for the Fayette County Summer Lunch program where we provided lunches for underprivileged students.
  • Hosted International high-level delegations from Chad and Saudi Arabia. The ISB presented to them History of Islam in America and discussed religious freedom in the USA.
  • Named "Peacemakers" by The Huffington post.
For 12 years, the ISB has been committed to creating an all-inclusive Metro-Atlanta community. The Islamic Speaker Bureau of Atlanta has provided an accurate perception of Muslims and Islam in the Metro-Atlanta area.
Thank you for your continuous support of the ISB. For more information, please visit our website www.isbatlanta.org.


                                                        Donate Now Button

Soumaya Khalifa

Executive Director

ISB Atlanta    

P.S. Remember you are an important partner in advocating and building bridges of understanding by supporting the ISB!

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