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Is A 3rd  Party A Viable Options For Muslims In The USA? By Imam Nadim Sulaiman Ali...

Is A 3rd  Party A Viable Options For Muslims In The USA? By Imam Nadim Sulaiman Ali
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“I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.”

Frederick Douglass

Mr. Douglass is able to demonstrate the importance of having ethics, and not to have a price in which a person would compromise their values.

The state of politics has become so divided that the major parties have been split into separate tribal units.  This tribalism has made it difficult for the most qualified people to attain political offices.

People are elected based on popularity, and how they brand themselves.  In this society due to the capitalist foundation, people have a tendency to treat politics like a commodity.  You hear things like “ They are the best politicians that money can buy.”

All societies engage in some form of politics.  Politics are designed to organize people in a society.  When politics become a tool to manipulate people then it becomes more of the problem than the solution.

Franz Fanon said in his classic book The Wretched Of The Earth:

"To educate the masses politically does not mean, cannot mean, making a political speech.  What it means is to try, relentlessly and passionately, to teach the masses that everything depends on them; that if we stagnate it is their responsibility, and that if we go forward it is due to them too...

This quote is consistent with the Quranic verse:

 "Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves." - Quran 13:11 

Even though Fanon wrote many things that were disparaging about various religions, Allah allowed much wisdom to be spread by his words that were consistent with Islam.

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The word of wisdom is the lost property of the believer. Wherever he finds it, he is most worthy of it.” In other words if it is true guidance then it belongs to the Muslims.

If true democracy is to flourish the people have to recognize the power that they have.  Fanon’s quote demonstrates the importance of political education, something that the powers that be have been attempting to impede in this country.  

This has had the impact of the development of cult-like followings among the electorate. This is quite apparent in the Republican Party’s devotion to former US President Donald Trump.

The goal of people seeking political office should be to help improve the society, and not using the offices for selfish means.  If the people choose a candidate then they will get help from Allah(swt)

Abdur Rahman ibn Samurah reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said to me, “O Abdur Rahman, do not ask for authority! If it is given to you at your request, you will be held fully responsible for it. If it is given to you without your request, you will be helped by Allah in it.”

Many people have become disillusioned with the American political system due to the quality of candidates that have been put forward, and how many ethical people do not have the capital to mount competitive election campaigns. This is particularly true in federal campaigns.

With the current condition of the political landscape many people are re-assessing their political alliances.  There is renewed talk of  supporting a third party.  How will supporting a third party benefit the Muslim community?

 If used strategically a third party or independent candidate can force the two party candidates to make more concessions in an effort to make the third party candidate drop out.  This was the impact that Bernie Sanders had in his race against Hilary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primaries.  Sanders' run forced Clinton to tilt further to the left than she would have normally. 

Third party candidates can be a part of a comprehensive plan to elect candidates that would support issues that are important to the Muslim ummah.  The longer a third party/independent candidate can stay in an election the stronger they become.  It puts them in position to make deals with mainstream candidates.

In order for the Muslim Ummah to benefit from this strategy a Muslim agenda must be developed.  Major Muslim organizations have to begin to flex their political muscles, and accentuate the fact that there are several million Muslims in this country, and many of them are voters, especially in the swing states.  

Below is a breakdown of the major political parties, and how they compare with the major third parties:


No. registrations[33]

% registered voters[33]

Democratic Party



Republican Party



Libertarian Party



Green Party



Constitution Party



Source Wikipedia 2022

As you can see mounting a successful third party initiative can be an uphill battle; so in order for them to become viable entities  it will take a great deal of support.

“Enough! one evil party with two names and it will be elected despite all I can do or say. . . Democracy is dead in the United States.” WEB Dubois 1956

Dubois became disillusioned with the American political system as a means for true liberation for African Americans.  He did not see a great deal of difference between the goals of the two party system.

Many in the  Muslim community have voiced similar frustrations, and it is imperative that Muslim leaders begin to articulate the need for a healthier political climate, and to  begin to align with other groups to form coalitions that pressure candidates locally and nationally.

The latest person to throw his hat into the 2024  presidential race is Dr. Cornel West.  He appears to be espousing innovative ideas that he would like to implement should he become president.

“I’m running as an Independent candidate for President of the United States to end the iron grip of the ruling class and ensure true democracy!” “People are hungry for change,” he added. “They want good policies over partisan politics. We need to break the grip of the duopoly and give power to the people.”Dr. Cornel West

Dr. West has been soliciting the Muslim Community’s vote as demonstrated by his appearance at the recent Pro-Palestinean march in Washington DC.  It is too early in the election to endorse  anyone, but it's imperative that the Muslim community become more organized, and not split into factions.

In closing ponder the words of Ibn Qayyum on leadership who wrote this over a thousand years ago:

“Ponder upon the Hikmah (Wisdom) of Allaah عز وجل where He has made people’s kings, leaders, and those of authority over them, of the same kind as their own deeds.  It is as if the people's deeds appeared in the forms of their kings and leaders.


If the people are upright, then their kings and rulers will be upright, and if they turn away (from uprightness), then their leaders will turn against them. 

And if they oppress and tyrannize, then their kings and rulers will tyrannize and oppress. And if deception and treachery becomes manifest amongst them, then the same will appear in their rulers.  

 If the people refrain from fulfilling the rights of Allah upon them and become niggardly (regarding their execution), then their kings and rulers will refuse to give them their rights and will become niggardly (withhold their rights from them).

 And if they take away from those whom they oppress that which they deserve not to take, then the kings will take away from the people that which they deserve not to take and will levy taxes and impose tasks upon them.

 And whatever the people unjustly take from the oppressed, their kings take the same by force from them.   

So those in charge of the people appear in the forms of their (the ruled) deeds. And it befits not the Divine Wisdom that the evil and wicked be ruled except by those of the same kind. 

 And since the early (Muslims) were the best and most righteous of generations, their rulers were of the same standing. But when the people turned weak, their rulers turned to be of their own rank.

Ibn Qayyim  , (1/177-178)


The Community Masjid
(Masjid Al Ummah)
547 West End Place S.W.
Atlanta, Ga. 30310

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on January 30, 2024 at 2:08am

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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