Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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8 Safar 1442 A.H. 
I think RBG did a lot of good. I think it remarkable that she did not step down in 1999, when first diagnosed with cancer, or after, and instead carried on a tradition of judging on principle and of dissent where she thought it absent: when she believed that justice demanded it. I worry about the political machinations that come with her passing. I am struck not only by where she was—where I was also happy to have met her at SCOTUS in 2007, graduated ‘with’ her from Princeton in 2010, and joined her my first year at Radcliffe in 2015; but also where she was not—her absence was palpable at HLS at its 200 year anniversary in 2017 when hosting the SIX justices who graduated from Harvard, but which did not include RBG because this institution had refused to support her after she had completed two years of schooling as a very serious one of nine women while she helped nurse and tutor a cancer-sick husband and raise a small child, then needed to go to New York for her final year at which point she completed her education at Columbia: because she was not one to give up on her family or herself or the principles she knew she would go on to fight for—not for anything and certainly not with respect to institutional prestige or support or permission. Friends have told me that she is tzaddik, Hebrew for a person of great righteousness in her Jewish tradition, as she passed on Rosh Hashanah. And friends have also pointed out that the term is the Arabic word for ṣiddīq, which refers to a person of truth and righteousness in the Islamic tradition. She leaves quite a legacy for all to celebrate and emulate as the esteemed justice, the Notorious RBG. I hope the good and truth and right in her legacy continues, that she sees Beauty now and that we all will, increasingly, and that her soul rests in a better world of the ultimate beauty and peace and justice that this Universe of ours can and certainly will see even as we all must constantly act to manifest that world. 

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 24, 2020 at 8:27am

A People Without A Voice...Can Not Be Heard...OPOW...The Voice Of The Voiceless...

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Comment by Al Haj Karriem el-Amin Shabazz on September 25, 2020 at 7:19pm

salaam sister Intisar thanks for that testimonial on truth.


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