Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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انا قلت

I Said 


لم يبقَ شَط إليه ترجع السفن ولا مطارّ عليه يهبط الشَجِنُ لا شيء إلا أمانينا تُصبّرُنا الحمد لله لا أهل ولا وطن خُذلتِ يا شام، يا أمّي ومرضعتي ومسقط الحُبّ ماذا يا تُرى الثمنُ إني لأخجل من أنّي بقيتُ على قيد الحياة وأمّي لفّها الكفنُ بمَ التعلل قلبي صارَ يُنكرُني سلّم على الموتِ فيه العيش والسكنُ فكيفَ أحيا وتحت الأرض أوردتي وفي الترابِ مِنَ الأحبابِ


 لي مُدنُ وأينَ أذهب كل الأرضِ تُرفضنا وتزدرينا، وكلُّ الأرض تمتَهنُ 

ونحن من نحن؟ نحن الشمس فوقهم ونحنُ ما نحن نحن العين والأذُنُ كل الخرائط جزءً من خريطتنا فكيفَ تعلو على أسيادها الجُبُنُ 

يا أيُّها الموتُ ما أحلاك من وطن لمن أتاك شهيداً جرحه الوطنُ ودعتُ غزة وقلبي في أزقتها وذكرياتي وروحاً عافها البدن وسرتُ أشكو

لربي ضيق دامعتي عمّا بنفسي ومالا يُنصِفُ الحَزَنُ كل الذين تأملنا بتصرتهم لنا، تخلّوا فسجّل أيُّها الزمن أهل الفنادق لا عزّت كروشهُمُ يزداد فيهم غباهُم كلّما سَمِنوا ويقلقون صباحاً بعدما رقدوا
ويقلقون مساءً إن هُمُ سكنوا يستنكرونَ على الشاشات مجزرة وكلُّهم بدماها كفّهُ دَرِنُ
يا تارك الفرضِ مُستغن بنافلة والله يوم اللقا لا تشفعُ السُننُ يا شام لو كانتِ

الأحلامُ تُنقذُنا كُنَا حَلِمنا ولكن كلُّها دَحْنُ فكانَ لا بُدَّ من حربٍ نُعيدُ بها عصر النبي وفيها تُدرأ الفتنُ 

نريد أن ترجع الدنيا لقبضتنا أن يُعبدَ اللهُ لا أَن يُعبدَ الوثَنُ تريدُ أن ترجع الأمجاد دولتها أيامَ كنا يداً تنأى بها المحنُ أيام إن عارضت صنعاء عارضةً صاحت دمشق وبغداد هنا اليمن الفرحُ ما كانَ لولا قبلَهُ حَزَنُ والسرُّ ما طال إلا بعده علن والطفل مهما له قدّمتَ من أكل يظلُّ أطيب شيء عنده

اللبنُ لذا أحن ومثلي كل مُمتَهن إلى الزمان الذي مافيهِ مُمتَهنُ فكيفَ أسكن بيتاً أطمئن بهِ وطفلة في بلادي ما لها سكنُ وكيفَ ألتذُ أو أهنا بمائدة ويُشتهى في بلادي الخبرُ والجُبْنُ يا طائرات اقصفي، يا أمّةً امتعضي يا ساسة استنكروا ، يا قومُ لا تَهنوا تكفّلَ الله فيكم للنبي فلا خوف عليكم من الدنيا ولا حَزَنُ 

الأرضُ مهما لنا في الغربة

 اتسعت يظل أرحب من أرجائها الوطن قل للطبيب وشمس العمرِ غاربة إذا انقضى أجلي، ما تنفعُ الحُقنُ بالله ربّ السما والأرض مُعتصمي وفيه صبري إليه السرُّ والعلنُ ولستُ أقطع آمالي بثورتنا لكل وجه قبيح آخرُ حسنُ

Transcription by:  Salma Toural

Rabat, Morocco

Video:  (5) Video | Facebook

I Said...

Translation by Safaa b. Ahmad Houmadi

Rabat, Morocco

A shore where our ships might return? No more.
An airport for grieving souls to descend? No more.
Nothing but our forlorn dreams to keep us going.
Thank Allah! No family no homeland left to defend. (irony)
O Sham, you have been betrayed. O mother, o nurturer.
O fount of love. What is the price to be paid?
O how shameful to still be among the living.
While the kafan has long wrapped my mother.

What comfort is there? Even my heart disowns me.
Greet death, for it is the restful abode.
How can I live with my roots underground,
Where -from loved ones- I have cities of mounds.
Where does he go, the sun whom mother earth dismissed?
With all her lands staring him down as he goes.
We? Who are we? We are the sun shining bright on their deeds.
We? what are we? We are the vigilant eye and the attentive ear.
Every map is but a shard from our whole,
So how could cowards ever rise above our shared fate, and think they play a greater role?

O death, what a sweet home you can be,
to the martyrs whose homeland has wounded them cruelly.
Farewell to Gaza, though my heart remains there,
Roaming its alleyways, with my memories,
and a soul my body no longer bear.
O God, my tears are scant and few,
Unable to contain my grief, so I turn to you.

All who claimed to be on our side have left us behind.
O history, mark their betrayal so that it can't be denied.
The hotel dwellers, their bellies growing wide,
With every pound they gain, the less they seem in charge.
They toss and turn, even after a full night's rest.
They squirm in their beds, still yet full of fright.
On TV screens, they condemn a violent crime.
Their hands are stained with the very blood they claim to mind.

O you who discard duty, thinking the Supererogatory will intercede.
By Allah, on Judgment Day, that alone will not suffice.
O Sham, if dreams could be our saviors.
We would have dreamt, but every dream lays ashen with the ruins.

A war is a must to reclaim his Last’s (swt) era.
To clear away the trials and set the world right.
To return the world to our grasp
So that Allah is worshipped, not the idols of the past.
We yearn for the return of the glory we once knew,
Those days when if Sana'a faced a storm,
Damascus and Baghdad would cry out, "Here stands Yemen!"

Joy is never without knowing sorrow.
And secrets held too long, will reveal their tomorrow.
Just like a child, no matter what you feed,
Still longs for his mother's milk,
I yearn, like every soul oppressed,
For a time when none bear the weight of unjust pain.
What is comfort in your own home,
When a little girl has no roof to call her own?
What are tables and feasts,
When in my land, bread and cheese are out of reach?

O planes, bomb away! O nation, rise in anger!
O leaders, denounce! O people do not falter!
He has entrusted you with his protection,
Need not fear the world or its troubles.
No matter how wide the land seems in our exile,
It’s never as wide as home’s embrace.
Tell the doctor, If my time has come, what good are his shots?
By Allah, Lord of heaven and earth, I stand strong,
In Him, my patience, to Him, all secrets belong.
I do not lose hope in our revolution's might,
For even the most weathered coin has a pristine side.

Views: 120

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 21, 2024 at 5:16pm

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 21, 2024 at 5:45pm

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

Executive Director


Oppressed Peoples Online Word 

Your Voice Since 2010

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Periodically we at OPOW have to make an evaluation on our being able to sustain this effort of bringing  you stories that many of you enjoy.  We do not take adds, nor do we charge a subscription.  Much or most of our operating expense is covered by a few individuals who have been very generous over the past 13 years.

Much of our content is supplied by volunteers and myself.   With that being said, we need your support to continue this effort.  No amount is too small or too large.  Please consider becoming a much needed supporter of OPOW today.  In advance, from all of us at OPOW,  we thank you for your continued support.  

Bilal Mahmud
Executive Director OPOW

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 3, 2024 at 8:08am


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