Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....


On Sunday, March 9, 2014, Zakat U.S.A.  will be participating in the Hunger Walk/Run. This event is

one of the most important hunger relief efforts of the year. The money we raise will feed hope for the 1 in 5 people who face hunger in our community.

Please join me in supporting this important mission! You can help us reach our personal fundraising goal by making a donation , or take the next step against hunger by walking/running with us on March 9.

Together, we can make sure that a child in our community doesn’t go to bed hungry tonight. We can offer a glimmer of hope to struggling parents desperately trying to make ends meet for their family. We can ensure another senior citizen isn’t forced to choose between paying for medicine or food. Please donate today....

Thank you so much, and I hope to see you at the Hunger Walk/Run!

Team:  Zakat U.S.A.

Oppressed Peoples Online Word

Please Donate Today To Make A Difference...

                         T.E.A.M...  TOGETHER EVERYONE ACHIEVES MORE
Donate To Zakat U.S.A. Donations Tax Deductable

       Save more lives with 2.5

Walk Details...Hope To See You There:  http://engage.acfb.org/site/TR/HungerWalkAtlantaCommunityFoodBank/H...

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