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How El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz Got His Wings

The People's Forum | The Educational & Political Philosophies of Malcolm X - The People's Forum

By:  Khalid Abdullah

In a few days, people all over the Afrikan Diaspora will be commemorating and giving homage to the life and legacy of the most important revolutionary figure in American history for people of Afrikan descent. On 2-21-1965, an act of fanaticism committed by misguided, narrow-minded negroes led to the death of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz/Malcolm X. It was a political assassination, carried-out by brainwashed, envious, gullible misfits who were too simple-minded to comprehend the underlying currents that contributed to the circumstances that led to him being ostracized and forced-out of the Nation of Islam. Ignorant to the truth, overcome with envy and compelled by self-hatred; a group of jealous, sinister, uninformed, thugs, who lacked the ability to think for themselves, lashed-out in a ‘fool's-act’. It set the movement for the independence, liberation and self-determination of American Born Afrikan descendants back decades: causing such harm that it is still proving to be almost irreparable. 


Fast forward to the present day 21st century, the masses are being misled as they embrace the ideas, opinions and thoughts of the ‘oppressor-class’. They are engrossed in, and preoccupied with, ideals, norms, standards and values based on ‘money and the things money buys’. As a direct result of ‘social-conditioning’; the overwhelming majority are obsessed with materialism. Giving very little, if any, thought at all to qualities and virtues such as character, chastity, dignity, honesty, honor, morality, respect and sobriety; the black community is rife with  self-aggrandizing, ‘wanna-be’ business owners – cannabis dispensary operators – entertainers – movie-stars – politicians – sports figures and the like...all hoping to become millionaires. Just like the dumb, ignorant, self-hating lackeys who killed El-Hajj Malik, they are a bunch of confused, dumb-witted, opportunistic, misguided ‘sell-outs’. This sad state of affairs has produced a vast vacuum. So preoccupied with trying to get rich by getting their ‘piece of the pie’; they are totally aloof from the reality of their own oppression. 


We should ask ourselves what we think would be Hajji Malik’s take on the genocide unfolding before the ‘eyes of the world’, if he was alive today? Would it be reflective of the shameful attitude expressed by biden’s press secretary or the numerous; other high-profile celebrities who command attention in the fields of entertainment, journalism, politics and sports? Would his stance concur with the disgraceful, disgusting position of the current ‘house minority leader’ who enthusiastically endorses the u.s. governments’ support of the zionists in supplying the weapons being used to conduct said genocide? Would he applaud the ‘secretary of defense’ who, in his narrow-minded stupor of slave mentality, doesn’t seem to see anything wrong in his actions as he takes some sort of twisted pride in being involved in perpetrating this atrocity? 


This is a question that it would behoove all of us in the Afrikan Diaspora to ask ourselves as a means of informing what type of response should be forthcoming from our collective, global body. Most people would agree that he would never endorse what’s happening in Gaza by assuming any of the above mentioned postures in any shape, form or fashion. It doesn’t take much imagination to figure out what he’d be calling for.    

There are many today who hold a respectful opinion of El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz. They can be appreciated for their acknowledgement of the need for change in the world and their desire and/or interest in doing the necessary work to actualize such a tangible transformation. Yet, in far too many cases, it is baffling, dumbfounding and frustrating to find so many of them exhibit a total lack of awareness, or outright disregard and rejection, of the fact that it was Islam that provided the ideological basis for his analysis of, and perspective on, the underlying intricate dynamics of our political reality as well as his commitment and dedication to the struggle for human-rights, liberation and self-determination and the course of remedy to which he subscribed.

This narrow mindset of denying and disregarding the influence Islam had in his development is just like talking about the Black Liberation Army while discounting the importance of armed–resistance; discussing the Black Panther Party while rejecting the idea of revolutionary struggle; or referring to the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King without addressing the need to eradicate capitalism, imperialism, militarism and racism. It’s sheer asinine and ludicrous!

In an excerpt from the Autobiography of Malcolm X he mentions how central Islam was in molding him into the man he had become… “Standing there by that Harvard window, I silently vowed to Allah that I never would forget that any wings I wore had been put on by the religion of Islam. That fact I never have forgotten . . . not for one second.”  

If the quality of life is to ever improve for the downcast and underprivileged in society, the people are going to have to comply with the dictates governing the way of life that El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz embraced as it is summed-up in the following ayyat [verse] of Qur’an: “Never does ALLAH change the condition of a people until they change what is within themselves.”  Sura Al-Rad 13:11

This author would like to applaud and commend the valiant stand of the people of South Africa who – under the leadership of their President, Cyril Ramaphosa and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Dr. Naledi Pandor – have taken action to expose and oppose the zionist and their collaborators in the horrific genocide and crime against humanity being committed against the people of Palestine. May we all develop the assertiveness and resolve required to rise-up; do what needs to be done to rid this world of evil, falsehood, injustice, oppression and tyranny and do away with those who perpetrate such horrific wrongs.

Views: 154

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on February 15, 2024 at 6:39am

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on February 15, 2024 at 6:40am

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on February 15, 2024 at 6:41am

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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