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Hizbullah's mobile health clinics help Syrian refugees in Lebanon

One tragic consequence of the war in Syria is the flood of refugees escaping fighting. Turkey and Jordan have been


October, 2012
Unlike others in the region,  that help only those that advance their obscurantist ideology, Hizbullah helps everyone.

Beirut, Crescent-online
October 1, 2012, 09:00 EST

mentioned as refugee destinations but Lebanon has also received its share.

In Turkey and Jordan, Arabian regimes—Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc—as well as the UN have provided help. The Saudis and Qataris give aid mostly to those that will join the fighting against Bashar al-Asad's regime, and in Jordan the refugees rioted in Zaatari refugee camp a week ago because of appalling conditions.

In Lebanon, the Hizbullah has stepped in to help. This may surprise those that have always been driven by sectarianism or serve as agents of imperialism and Zionism, but Hizbullah has a track record of helping everyone. In its 30-year history, Hizbullah's medical aid has been available to its own mainly Shia supporters as well as to Sunnis and Christians in Lebanon.

In the latest move, Hizbullah announced several days ago that it would provide free medical aid and medication to Syrian refugees in Sidon where thousands have arrived to escape fighting in Syria. The scene on Sunday (September 30) was quite moving as hundreds of Syrian refugees congregated around the Sidon neighborhood of Taamir for doctors to see their sick children and the elderly.

Hizbullah doctors set up movable clinics and made diagnoses of patients while a pharmacist doled out free medications nearby.

To ensure the free medical service was known to Syrian refugees and to ensure a strong turnout, Hizbullah had hoisted banners in refugee areas several days earlier that read: "To our brothers, the Syrian people: Hizbullah invites you to a day of free health care – health checkups and free medication."

When asked by the Beirut newspaper, The Daily Star about its support of Asad on the one hand and providing medical and humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees on the other,

Sheikh Zayd Daher, a Hizbullah official in Sidon, said, "It is our duty to support Syrian refugees ... Set our political stance aside. I am here to provide aid to our brothers the refugees, and we are providing aid for all refugees in the south."

"We don't look" to see if refugees back the Free Syrian Army, he was quoted by the Daily Star.

Among the refugees receiving medical help were those that were openly critical of Hisbullah's political stand and support of the Asad regime but were grateful for the help being offered. Doctors, nurses and volunteers from Hizbullah's Islamic Health Committee plan to expand their relief work to the entire country.

Hussein Nassour, a committee official, explained that while refugees had to register for checkups, he said, "we do not ask them for IDs, there are even some Lebanese who registered their names."

According to Dr Mariam Osseily of the Hizbullah Health Committee, the most common problem among refugees was stomach virus. "There is also diarrhea, vomiting, coughs, pneumonia, fever and urinary tract infections," she said. Dr Osseily said these were most prevalent in children. She attributed the problems to poor living conditions, malnutrition, and a lack of sun exposure for kids.

Lest anti-Hizbullah propagandists interpret this as a public relations exercise, last month, a Hizbullah delegation also delivered aid parcels to Syrian refugees in the Iqlim al-Kharoub region of the Chouf.

Unlike the Saudis and Qataris that help only those that advance their obscurantist ideology, Hizbullah helps everyone. This is what sets apart a truly Islamic organization from regimes that serve the interests of imperialism and Zionism by dividing Muslims.

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