Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Historic Conference in Milwaukee for the rights of Rohingya Muslims in Burma.

Historic Conference in Milwaukee for the rights of Rohingya  Muslims in Burma.
200 People Drove in 10 degrees Weather to join the  Networking for Muslim Minorities 

December 14, 2013: University of Wisconsin, Milewaukee:

Rohingya Muslims have suffered for decades at the hands of  Buddhist mobs in Burma since the 1970s if not earlier.  America's Muslims have not cared for them, This was the  first conference ever held to support the Rohingyas. It was  historic in the sense that it brought together top level  activists, analysts and scholars researching the genocide of  Rohingya Muslims from across the US and Canada.

The conference became possible, owing to the efforts of  Prof. Suleyman Kurter, his wife Hawa Kurter and his  illustrious sons Salahattin and Imran. As the people poured  into the auditorium,  though it was bone chilling cold even  in the parking lots, it became clear that here were people  thirsting for knowledge of the supressed Rohingya Muslims. 

There are 70 Rohingya Muslim families in Milwaukee and most  of them were there. A major breakthrough was the arrival of  Burmese Muslims living in Indiana who have realized that  after the destruction of Rohingya Muslims, the Buddhist  government and mobs incited by Buddhist monks are now  howling  for the blood of  ALL Muslims in Burma.

For eight hours the program went on with a long line of  speakers outlining the shocking atrocities committed by the  Burmese Buddhists in the form of rape, murder, mutilation,  looting, arson, terrorism and the ethnic cleansing of an  entire people.
Some of the eminent speakers were: [Incomplete list.]

Dr. Abid Bahar, Dawson College, Montreal, Canada.

Dr. Habib Siddiqui, a human rights activist from Canada. 
Nurul Islam, Arakan Rohingya National Organization,  President. [All the eway from London, England]

Anwar Shah Arkani, President of tye Rohingya Association of  Canada.

Dr. Kaukab Siddique, Chairperson [interim], Department of  Languages & Literature, lincoln University, Pennsylvania. 
Sheikh Ziad Hamdan, Imam of the Islamic society of  Milwaukee.

Mohiuddin Yusof, President Rohingya Concern International,  [New York]

U King Maung, non-Rohingya Burmese Muslim, spoke at length  in Burmese and was translated in English.

Among non-Muslims there were two prominent names:

Dr. Nora Rowley [Human Rights Advocate for Burma]

Barry Parkinson [Initiative on Quiet Diplomacy]

Introduction and declaration of the conference were made by  an African American brother Ronald Hendree from the Risale  Center of America, which publicizes the teachings of Shaykh  Badiuzzaman of Turkish resurgence of Islam.

The MC, very capable and eloquent, was Imran Kurter.   Certificates of merit were given to main speakers by Shaukat  Aung, the chair of the conference organizing committee.

Some of the speakers blasted the secularist regime in  Bangladesh which is supporting non-Muslim Burmese but is  blocking the Rohingya Muslims in the most brutal process of  rejection.

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