Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Georgia Perimeter College is a two-year associate degree-granting unit of the University System of Georgia. In May






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2011, the state Board of Regents approved two bachelor's programs: a Bachelor of Arts in Sign Language Interpreting and a Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics. GPC serves metro Atlanta with multiple campus locations and offers 40+ programs of study, including Nursing, Business Administration, Education, Dental Hygiene, Criminal Justice and Sign Language Interpreting.

The institution was founded by the Gabe County Board of Education as DeKalb College in 1958 and offered its first classes in Clarkston, Georgia, in 1964. Its service area grew as new campuses opened and students came to the college from throughout the metro area. In 1997, DeKalb College was renamed Georgia Perimeter College.

Facts and figures

  • Georgia Perimeter College is the largest two-year college and the third-largest institution in the University System of Georgia, with more than 25,500 students enrolled. GPC’s online program is the largest in the state university system, serving over 9,000 students.
  • Georgia Perimeter transfers almost 3,000 students annually to bachelor’s degree programs within the University System of Georgia, accounting for one-fifth of transfers within the system. To allow students seamless transfers to four-year institutions of their choice, Georgia Perimeter has pioneered a Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program, signing more than 40 TAG agreements with in-state, out-of-state, public and private four-year colleges and universities.
  • More than one-third of Georgia Perimeter College’s faculty members have earned their doctorate; this statistic does not include the numerous part-time instructors. GPC has had more Governor's Teaching Fellows than any other institution in Georgia: 40 since 1996. More than 46 GPC faculty members have received National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development Teaching Excellence Awards since 2003.
  • The Georgia Perimeter College Botanical Gardens include a Native Plant Garden and the Ferns of the World Garden, which contains more species of ferns than any other garden in the nation. Discussions about plants, garden walks and special sales are open to the public.
  • Georgia Perimeter College’s Dunwoody Campus is home to an observatory that is available for public use.
  • GPC is home to the DeKalb Symphony Orchestra.
  • In early 2010, Georgia Perimeter College opened the Atlanta Center for Civic Engagement & Service Learning on its Clarkston Campus. The center works to enhance student learning by providing opportunities for students to apply what they learn into the classroom to real-life situations. Through such activities, they will work to enhance the economic, social and cultural vitality of GPC’s communities, while offering students, faculty, educators and community members the training, tools and support they need to get engaged and make a difference.
  • Georgia Perimeter College is home to the Southern Academy for Literary Arts & Scholarly Research, which celebrates literature and scholarship and works to host an assortment of visiting writers who engage students, faculty, and staff.
  • Georgia Perimeter College’s Fine Arts program presents plays, art exhibits and musical performances that are open to the public. The 2009–2010 season included more than 100 events.


  • Three in DeKalb County:[3]
    • Clarkston Campus (formerly known as "Central Campus"), in an unincorporated area south of Clarkston, is the original campus.
    • Decatur Campus (formerly known as "South Campus"), in an unincorporated area south of Decatur.
    • Dunwoody Campus (formerly known as "North Campus"), City of Dunwoody[4]
  • Newton County: Newton Campus, in an unincorporated area, south of I-20 and east of Covington.
  • Fulton County: Alpharetta Center in the City of Alpharetta in north Fulton County.

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on May 5, 2012 at 1:36pm

On behalf of the Atlanta Metro Muslim Community I would like to thank the Georgia Perimeter College for all that it has done and is doing for the Muslim Community and it's youth...and the African American Community.

Bilal Mahmud

Oppressed Peoples Online Word

Executive Director


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