Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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GAZA CITY - In the latest Guinness world record bid aimed at highlighting the Palestinian

10 metres high and 3.5 metres wide

Palestinian seeks to set world record to send message to world to break siege on Gaza.

struggle a Gaza resident on Tuesday unveiled the "world's largest Ramadan lamp."

The 10-metre (33 foot) high and 3.5 metre (11.5 feet) wide structure made out of wood and cloth was modelled on the lamps that adorn streets across the Muslim world during the festive fasting month.

"I am determined to set a Guinness world record in order to send a message to the world to break the siege on Gaza," Mustafa Massoud, 24, told AFP, adding that he had spent 400 dollars (300 euros) on materials to build the lamp.

He said he also hoped to send a message to rival Palestinian governments in Gaza and the West Bank to resolve their differences.

The attempt follows bids by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) to set records for the most children bouncing basketballs and the most flying kites, events held last month.

The two feats were also aimed at attracting international attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, which has been under a four-year Israeli and Egyptian blockade that has kept out all but vital goods.

Israel moved to ease the closures in June following a deadly raid on a Gaza-bound aid fleet that sparked international outrage, and these days allows in virtually all purely civilian goods.

It still prevents Gazans from exporting however, and strictly limits the movement of people in and out of the territory, which has been ruled by the militant Hamas movement since June 2007.

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