Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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A baby girl had a miracle escape after falling from an eighth-floor Paris apartment, bouncing off an awning and

into the arms of a passer-by.

Officers said that the accident happened on Monday after the child's parents went out for a stroll and left the 18-month-old with her three-year-old sister in the family apartment in eastern Paris.

The parents have been detained for questioning.

Police said the little girl somehow found a way to an open window and fell out. But the fall was broken when she hit the awning of a ground-floor restaurant and then bounced into the arms of a doctor, who had seen the toddler playing at the open window.

The infant was taken to hospital but was found to be uninjured.

The passing doctor saw her fall and caught her before she hit the ground, witnesses were quoted in the French media as saying. He found no injuries but the girl was taken to hospital for a check-up.

Her dramatic fall and rescue took place on the corner of the Cours de Vincennes and the Rue des Pyrenees, in the 20th arrondissement, late on Monday afternoon.

The doctor, identified as Philippe Benseniot, said it was pure luck. "I was there at the right time," he said. "I'm happy for the little girl."

Note: Normally the awning of the restaurant is rolled up. This evening it was stuck and would not roll up....hmmmm

Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/baby-falls-eight-...

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