Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

Obama puts his foot in his mouth drawing"red lines" and is willing to get us involved in yet another war in an attempt to save
face. Obama cries over the Sandy Hook tragedy while killing children overseas. Obama says killing people with chemicals is unacceptable but using bombs, tanks, DRONES and guns is ok. He preaches freedom while spying on our each and every move. Claims to be a Christian while being a spokesperson for the redefinition marriage. The facade has faded. Time to speak up people. It's time to stop judging him differently based on his skin color and start seeing the facts for what they are. As a black man I cried the day he was elected for reasons that are obvious considering black history in America. However, I cannot use that as a reason to sit silently while he promotes an agenda that goes against my conscious. I know many of you disagree with me which is fine. These are simply my thoughts and feelings.

Abu Yusuf...

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