Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Is it the proliferation of so many variants and outlets of media, or has the world actually descended into one giant globe


of conflict? It seems that virtually every portion of today’s world is blighted by some sort of conflict in a myriad of forms, ranging from political maneuvering to try to thwart the mandates of governments, such as in the United States, to the various border conflicts around the globe, to the rebellions in Africa, Asia and other geographic regions, to the wholesale occupation and continued government sponsored slaughter that is taking place in the Middle East.

Throughout our history, especially our recent history, there have been calls for cessation of hostilities, violence and war. I remember when I was in high school, trying to understand the degree of commitment a Buddhist monk had to set himself on fire in protest of the conflict in Vietnam in the sixties. Throughout my youth the continuing saga of civil rights resulted in the sacrifice of many – both Black and non-Black – in the effort to accord equality and parity of rights and benefits to America’s minorities, not only Black Americans, but also the hundreds of thousands First Nations residents on America’s reservations as well as the countless number of Mexican migrant workers who suffered innumerable hardships akin to slavery during the sixties and the and Haitian refugees who endured the same during the late seventies and eighties.

And while the ability of man to cause harm to his fellow man seems to be even more in the forefront of news, media and information sharing, it seems that there is a void of individuals and groups who actively call for peace and dialog throughout the world. Religious and spiritual orientations notwithstanding, the active call for peace either has fallen on deaf ears, or the movement itself has been drowned out, or maybe overwhelmed, due to the plethora of conflicts throughout today’s world.

Has peace activism become obsolete then?

There have arisen over the past few decades so many issues that demand a cry for peace.

* War

* Occupation

* Ethnic cleansing

* Genocide

* Violence against women

* Violence against children

* Border conflicts

* Rebellions

* Piracy

* Economic catastrophe

* . . . and on and on and on

All of the recognized world bodies – and many not-so-recognized ones as well – seem to be completed incompetent and impotent in bringing about cessation of hostilities or dialog with mutual assurances to seek lasting resolutions. The world of human aid is drowning in crisis after crisis of refugee aid, disaster relief and humanitarian relief in

the face of political and military onslaughts on seemingly helpless peoples, most of whom are civilians, the elderly, women and children.

So, where is the call for peace? Who are demanding an end to all hostilities? Where are the peace conferences where world leaders come together to reach consensus on the safety and integrity of all human life? Even the violence done to the earth’s atmosphere, ecology and environment seems to an endless conflict with different factions drawing their proverbial lines in the sand with no apparent intention to reach any viable, workable accord. And the world continues to spend toward apparent oblivion.

There must be peace. No matter what continent you live on . . . there must be peace.

No matter what climate you endure throughout your life . . . there must be peace.

The rich of the world can fund peace, so they can begin to re-fund development for all humankind.

No matter what your belief system . . . there must be peace . . .


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