Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Saturday February 4

Afghans for Peace * American Iranian Friendship Committee * Americans Against the Next War *ANSWER Coalition *

A look at this map shows which country is surrounding Iran with military. These are the U.S. military bases we know about which surround Iran.  Who is the aggressor in the Middle East?

 Antiwar.com * Anti-War Committee, Minnesota * Bail Out The People Movement * Baltimore-Washington Area Peace Council * Buddhist Peace Fellowship * Campaign Against Sanctions & Military Intervention in Iran * Center for a Stateless Society* CODEPINK * ComeHomeAmerica.us * ComeHomeAmerica.us, Boston * Courage to Resist * Dallas Peace Center * Defenders for Freedom, Justice & Equality-Virginia * Future Freedom  * Gay Liberation Network, Chicago * Granny Peace Brigade* Iowans for Diplomacy With Iran* International Action Center (IAC) * Libertarians for Peace* Liberty for America * Malcolm X Center for Self Determination * March Forward! * Midwest Anti-War Mobilization * Minnesota Peace Action Coalition * Mobilization Against War & Occupation, Vancouver * Moorefield Storey Institute * Movement for a Democratic Society * Occupy Wall Street, NYC * Occupy Boston * Oklahoma Center for Conscience and Peace Research * Outright Libertarians * Pace e Bene * Peace Action New York State * Peace Action Staten Island * Peace House Oklahoma City * Peace of the Action* Raging Grannies * Refugee Apostolic Catholic Church * Rochester Against the War * San Francisco IVAW * Shannon Watch, Ireland* SI! Solidarity with Iran * Stanford Says No to War * St. Pete for Peace* Twin Cities Peace Campaign * United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC) * Veterans for Peace * Veterans for Peace – NYC Chapter 034 * Vigil for Peace, Florida * Waco Friends of Peace* WAMM, Women Against Military Madness* We Won’t Fly* WESPAC Foundation* Western Mass Coalition for Palestine * Women for Peace * Workers World Party * World Can’t Wait

David Swanson, Author of When the World Outlawed War * Phil Wilayto, Author of In Defense of Iran:  Notes from a U.S. Peace Delegation’s Journey through the Islamic Republic * Ramsey Clark, Former US Attorney General, awarded UN Human Rights Award * Cindy Sheehan, National Co-ordinator of Peace of the Action * Ray McGovern, Veterans for Peace * Karla Hansen, Producer/Director “Silent Screams” * George Phillies, Editor for Liberty for America * Larry Everest, correspondent for Revolution Newspaper, author of Oil, Power & Empire: Iraq and the US Global Agenda

Visible street protests and other events and outreach will happen in many places, including around the world: in Ireland at Shannon Air Base (forward base for NATO); in London; in Dacca, Bangaldesh; in Calcutta and other cities in India. Search this page for several actions in Canada as well.

Click Here:  Food For Thought: In Iran Dispute, Who’s at Fault?


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No War On Iran Demonstration CNN Center Atlanta, Ga. U.S.A. 02/04/2012

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