Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Community Masjid of Atlanta Roof Building Fundraiser: Go to http://www.weraisetheroof.org

As-salaamu-Alaikum Wa Rahmatulah Wa Barakatu and Greetings of Peace to all our Friends:

Throughout the months of February and March of 2011, the members of the Community Masjid of Atlanta have pledged to raise $15,000 in order to complete the roof at the West End Community Center.  The Community Center stands on the corners of Lucille Avenue and Holderness Streets in the Historic West End of Atlanta. This building, first erected at the beginning of the last century, has the potential to offer services to the Muslim and overall community.  Our restoration effort is one step in helping to remove blight from our community and rebuilding pride at the grassroots level. I am excited, honored, and blessed to launch this website dedicated to “Raising the Roof” on the Community Center.  I have personally pledged a donation of $500 to this effort and would greatly appreciate your help in reaching this goal.


If you are not able to make a donation at this time, I am asking you to appeal to family, friends, Facebook Friends, LinkedIn Connections, Twitter Followers, co-workers, businesses and other professionals with whom you do business.  The Community Masjid is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. As a sponsor, I will personally let you know how we do.

May Allah reward you for taking time out to read this, and if you would like to make a donation online please do so by visiting our website at: http://www.weraisetheroof.org and clicking on the “Donations” link to the left hand side of this website.  Once you are on the “Donations” page, please click the PayPal button or, if you do not have a PayPal account,  you can use your credit/debit card to make a safe donation online.
Checks can also be mailed to the following address:
Community Masjid of Atlanta
547 West End Place
Atlanta, Ga. 30310


Imam Nadim Sulaiman Ali

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