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In Islam, sports are important for a healthy body. Sports like archery, swimming, horseback riding 

K. Rasheed Coach

16 Safar 1444 A.H. 

are especially encouraged.  Islam encourages exercise and being in good physical shape. The Prophet 

(PBUH) said, “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer, though in both is 

good.” The one who is physically stronger is better before Allah because they are more active and 

energetic in the performance of worship and taking care of the needs of others.

I was blessed to grow up in a Pontchartrain Park, affectionately known as “The Park” in segregated New 

Orleans, LA.  “The Park” played a special role in the lives of those of us who were raised there during the  

1960s and 70s. “The Park” was a unique community of hard-working African American families who 

were striving to raise children during turbulent times.  Even with the limitations we faced due to 

segregation I would not trade our neighborhood for any other community. Our neighbors, coaches and 

even older brothers in the community would not hesitate to discipline us if necessary.  I thank Allah for 

my parents, Augustus and Dolores Robertson’s commitment to my brother, Clyde Robertson, Ph.D., 

myself and our community.  I was fortunate enough to be blessed with a father who was a Jr. and Sr.  

High School Physical Education teacher and coach. Therefore, family, community and athletics played a 

pivotal role in my life. 

I have memories of sitting in the then City Councilman’s office in the 1960s with my mother and several 

other parents from “The Park” fighting to get adequate funding for our playground (basketball  

court/baseball diamonds/shelter). Their advocacy resulted in better community and athletic facilities in 

our neighborhood. As a result of our teams’ hard work, coaches’ discipline, perseverance and 

community support our teams earned district and city-wide championships in both 

the segregated and desegregated leagues in the 60’s and 70’s. The perseverance we gained 

through our activities in “The Park” have been of great value in our lives. 

DaruNoor School Coach K. Rasheed.

DaruNoor Basketball Team../ Al Farooq Masjid of Atlanta

My interest in running was stimulated during the summer of 1968 when I watched Kipchoge (Kip) Keino 

win the Gold Medal in the 1500 meters at the Mexico City Olympics. I was entering Junior high school 

and I thought that if Kip Keino, a Black man of slim build could win the gold in the Olympics so smoothly 

then so could I. Thereafter, I began to focus my athletic interest on running and except for a 

few years in the mid-70s while in college I have not stopped running, Alhamdulillah. My involvement in 

coaching youth running started out of a selfish interest to insure our children were able to benefit from 

some of the same development activities that I had growing up. In the early 1990s, when our 

daughter started school at the Mohammad Schools of Atlanta, Michael Id-Deen started Track Atlanta to 

support the development of the Soccer and Basketball teams. Due to my years of running experience, I 

offered to assist in the building our first Muslim track team. For the next 3 to 4 years, I worked with 

Track Atlanta and Muslim youth runners. Eventually, my sons became members of Mercury Track Club, 

in addition to running cross county and I began to coach the middle-distance runners with Mercury.  

I did that from the mid to late 90s until our youngest son graduated from high school in 2012. 

At that point I was done working with youth development through athletic programs, until 2 years ago 

when my granddaughter’s school, Makkah International Institute, expressed an interest in starting a 

running and fitness program. To quote a scene from the movie The Godfather, “I thought I was out and 

they have drawn me back in.” The program is currently in its third year.

I pray that Allah bless us to grow into healthy, strong, and vibrant communities. 

Kenneth Rasheed, Esq.

  1. Bar#17356

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 11, 2022 at 9:00pm


Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on September 12, 2022 at 7:00am


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