Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Carter Center Atlanta, Ga. : Panel Discussion on Human Rights and Democracy in Egypt

One year go today, thousands of opponents of the July 3 military coup in Egypt which
had overthrown the democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, were occupying two squares in Cairo, Men, women and children had set up encampments in Rabaa al Adawiyu and al-Nahda Squares, demanding the return of the constitutional authority. Only two years before, the mass uprising against the dictatorial Husni Mubarak had inspired the world. Using US-supplied machine guns, teargas, tanks, helicopters and other weaponry, the army and police fired upon the defenseless crowd, bulldozed the camps and set them ablaze. Estimates of the number of dead range from over 800 to as high as 2000. Many bodies were dismembered and others not recovered after the military took control of the area and sealed it off. The repression has continued with thousands arrested, sham trials conducted with hundreds at a time sentenced to death and protests outlawed. At the same time, the levels of poverty, unemployment and hunger are soaring among Egypt's urban and rural populations In the face of such blatant human rights violations, US Secretary of State John Kerry recently visited Egypt to announce the restoration of $1.3 billion in military equipment including fighter planes, armored vehicles etc. to the el-Sisi government.
An international panel of surviors and relatives of the Aug. 14 massacre, journalists, human rights activists and parliamentarians will address the ongoing struggle for democracy and human rights in Egypt as well as the crisis in Gaza. This is a unique opportunity for all who are concerned about justice to hear from Egyptians as well as opponents of US policy such as Medea Benjamin, Norman Finkelstein and Dianne Mathiowetz.
The forum will be held at the Carter Center (453 Freedom Parkway Atlanta Ga 30307) in the Chapel from 2-5pm on Saturday, Aug. 16.
2:00-2:50 p.m. The Aftermath
3:00-3:50 p.m. Beyond Egypt
4:00-4:50 p.m. Foreign Policy
Norman Gary Finkelstein, American political scientist, activist, professor and author
Ayat Oraby, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Al Gornal electronic newspaper and Noonelneswa Magazine
Medea Benjamin, Co-Founder, CODEPINK and Founder of International Human Rights Organization, Global Exchange
Melissa Turner, Executive Editor, Gandhi’s Be Magazine & Communication Director for Gandhi Global Center for Peace
Ahmed Bedier, President United Voices for America & Egyptian-American social entrepreneur, TV/radio commentator/host
Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, visiting scholar, University of Denver, Center for Middle East Studies & Assistant Professor, Communications University North Alabama
Haytham Abo Khalil, Manager of Dahaya (victims) human rights center & Coordinator of Alexandria Rights Coalition
Dianne Mathiowetz is Atlanta coordinator of the International Action Center & she produces weekly radio program, The Labor Forum
Moderated by Brian Joyce, Chattanooga-based Talk Radio Host on WGOW 102.3 & Huffington Post blogger Event organizers would also like to recognize local sponsors Georgia Peace and Justice Coalition and International Action Center.
The Forum is free and open to the public. For more information visit www.eafdworld.com or www.bemagazine.org. Or call (706) 218-1638 or (423) 322-4208.
Here is the link to the FACEBOOK page for the event:
Atlanta International Action Center
1130 Eden Ave
Atlanta, Georgia 30316

Views: 232

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 17, 2014 at 4:45am
Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 17, 2014 at 4:46am

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 17, 2014 at 4:48am


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