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Detailed Data from Muslim Voter Survey... يرجى التصويت

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/2/12) -- The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today released the detailed data


Survey: 91 percent of Muslim voters will go to polls on November 6

from a recent survey indicating that 91 percent of registered Muslim voters will go to the polls on November 6.

The CAIR poll of 500 registered Muslim voters, titled "American Muslim Voters and the 2012 Election: A Demographic Profile...," was conducted by Genesis Research Associates and has a margin of error of five percent.

The report containing the detailed CAIR survey data "presents a detailed picture of American Muslim voter demographics and explores their views on a multitude of communal concerns and public policy issues several weeks before the 2012 presidential election."

SEE: American Muslim Voters and the 2012 Election
As Obama-Romney Race Tightens, Muslim Voters Could Swing Things

Sixty-eight percent of the survey respondents said they will vote to re-elect President Obama. Seven percent said they will vote for Mitt Romney. Some 25 percent of respondents said they were undecided about which presidential candidate to support.

Other survey findings include:

  • The top five issues of importance to American Muslim voters are jobs and the economy, education, health care policy, Medicare and Social Security, and civil rights.
  • 55 percent of Muslim voters consider themselves moderate and 26 percent liberal, while 16 percent consider themselves conservative.
  • The percentage of those who said they are closer to the Democratic Party grew from 49 percent in a similar poll taken in 2008 to 66 percent today. Affiliation with the Republican Party remained nearly the same, with a 1 percent increase from 8 percent in 2008 to 9 percent today.
  • 49 percent of respondents said that the Democratic Party was friendly towards Muslims, while 12 percent said that the Republican Party was friendly. Conversely, 51 percent of respondents said that the Republican Party was unfriendly towards Muslims, while 6 percent said that the Democratic Party was unfriendly.
  • 35 percent of respondents say they have experienced religious or ethnic profiling or discrimination post-9/11. The same percentage say they experienced kind treatment by neighbors or co-workers in that period.
  • Half of those polled attend a mosque at least once a month.
  • 70 percent of Muslim respondents say they have a four-year or graduate degree, compared to 34 percent college attendance for the entire population.
  • On international issues, 68 percent of respondents say the U.S. should provide support to those fighting for freedom in Syria and 76 percent say the U.S. and NATO made the right decision by intervening in the Libyan revolution.
  • When asked to name an organization that best represents the interests of American Muslims, 65 percent of those who responded named CAIR.

As part of its non-partisan election activities, CAIR has distributed "MVP - Muslim Voter Power" get-out-the-vote posters and lawn signs to mosques and other Islamic institutions nationwide. CAIR has also acquired a national list of registered Muslims voters and its chapters around the nation are currently conducting non-partisan efforts to turn out those voters in November.

In addition, CAIR is providing the American Muslim community with tools designed to help maximize voter participation:

  • CAIR partnered with the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) as part of its efforts to empower minority voters. CAIR is encouraging supporters to join ADC's voter protection unit.
  • CAIR provides the community with voter guides that provide information on presidential candidates, as well as data on times polls are open and what to take with you when you vote.

SEE: CAIR Voter Registration Drive Toolkit
CAIR 2012 General Election State Voting Guides
CAIR 2012 Presidential Voter Guide

CAIR uses the Twitter hashtag "#MuslimsVote" for updates on election issues and get-out-the-vote efforts.

SEE: CAIR Launches 2012 Muslims Vote Campaign

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

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