Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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CAIR Asks DOJ to Probe Pig Legs Left at Proposed S. Calif. Mosque Site

(LOS ANGELES, CA, 8/10/12) -- The Greater Los Angeles Area (CAIR-LA) chapter of the Council on American-Islamic


Relations (CAIR) yesterday sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) urging it to investigate an incident targeting Muslims as a federal hate crime.

CAIR-LA said three pig legs were left at the planned mosque site of Al-Nur Islamic Center in Ontario, Calif. Worshippers told CAIR-LA that the pig legs were thrown on the site's driveways just before 10 p.m. Tuesday by two women who then drove off in a whitepick-up truck. A security guard witnessed the incident and a report has been filed with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. The congregation has faced vocal opposition in the past.

"We urge the DOJ to investigate possible federal charges for the perpetrators of this disturbing incident," said CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush. "Only firm action by local, state and federal law enforcement authorities will send the message that bias-motivated attacks on Muslims, or Americans of any faith, will not be tolerated."

Ayloush also noted that four teenagers were arrested following an incident Saturday in which the American Muslim Association in Hayward, Calif., was pelted with oranges and lemons as worshipers prayed inside. At least one worshiper was hit by the objects. A mosque official reported that Saturday's harassment was the fourth such incident in the recent past.

Earlier this week, CAIR's national headquarters issued a community safety advisory for American mosques following other incidents targeting mosques in Missouri and Rhode Island and after the deadly shooting attack Sunday on a Sikh temple in Wisconsin.

CAIR: Arson, Vandalism at Mosques Not Uncommon (Joplin Globe)
SEE: Muslim Community Safety Kit
SEE ALSO: CAIR 'Challenging Islamophobia' Pocket Guide

A CAIR team on Wednesday visited the site of the burned Missouri mosque to meet with Muslim leaders and law enforcement officials. The team also took part in an interfaith Ramadan fast-breaking meal (iftar) at a local church on Wednesday evening.

Video: CAIR Asks for Help in Finding Possible Mo. Mosque Arsonist
Video: CAIR Co-Sponsors Interfaith Iftar for Burned Missouri Mosque
CAIR: Muslim Group Seeks to Rekindle Spirit of Joplin After Tornado

As a result of public attention brought to the mosque fire, more than $260,000 was raised in just two days to rebuild the facility.

SEE: More than $260,000 Raised to Rebuild Burnt-Down Mosque

CAIR is America's largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

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