Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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I simply remember all these kinds of things


Grammy Award-winning singer-songwriter Lauryn Hill was performing her song "Black Rage" long before the protests in Ferguson, Missouri, began, but it's only now in the light of the protests that she's made public an old recording of the song.

It's eerie how well Hill's lyrics fit the situation and further prove how the shooting in Ferguson and the country's response reach far beyon....

"Black rage is founded on draining and draining. Threatening your freedom to stop your complaining," Hill sings, her farsighted words mirroring the reality in Ferguson, where protests were met with "militarized" police and journalists were arrested.

The song was modeled after "My Favorite Things," made famous by Julie Andrews in the film "The Sound Of Music." In Hill's hands, the song's familiar refrain of "when the dog bites, when the bee stings" becomes "when the dogs bite, when the beatings."

"Black Rage" reminds listeners not just of the depth of Ferguson's injustice, but its context. Systemic prejudice doesn't roll to a stop outside the town's limits. And although the protesters are gathered in Michael Brown's name, the song provides a fitting anthem for the scope of their dissent.

"Strange, the course of things," Hill tweeted with the song's release. "Peace to MO."

And then I don’t fear so bad…


Sound Track Below: 


Black rage is founded who fed us self hatred
Lies and abuse while we waited and waited
Spiritual treason
This grid and it's cages
Black rage was founded on these kinds of things

Black rage is founded on dreaming and draining
Threatening your freedom
To stop your complaining
Poisoning your water
While they say it's raining
Then call you mad
For complaining, complaining
Old time bureaucracy
Drugging the youth
Black rage is founded on blocking the truth
Murder and crime
Compromise and distortion
Sacrifice, sacrifice
Who makes this fortune?
Greed, falsely called progress
Such human contortion
Black rage is founded on these kinds of things

So when the dog bites
And the ceilings
And I’m feeling mad
I simply remember all these kinds of things
And then I don’t fear so bad

Free enterprise
Is it myth or illusion
Forcing you back into purposed confusion
Black human trafficking
Or blood transfusion
Black rage is founded on these kinds of things
Victims of violence
Both psyche and body
Life out of context IS living ungodly
Politics, politics
Greed falsely called wealth
Black rage is founded on denying of self
Black human packages
Tied and subsistence
Having to justify your very existence
Try if you must
But you can’t have my soul
Black rage is founded on ungodly control
So when the dog bites
And the beatings
And I’m feeling so sad
I simply remember all these kinds of things
And then I don’t feel so bad

Click Link Below For A Conversation

Conversation Live From Ferguson 2014

Views: 230

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 21, 2014 at 1:08pm


CAIR: TODAY 9 PM (EST) - National American Muslim Call-In
on Ferguson, Michael Brown Movement

JOIN US TONIGHT - Thursday, August 21st, 2014 9 PM (EST)
Call: 712-432-1001 - Attendee Code: 416280307#

BACKGROUNDER: CAIR-St. Louis Asks Feds to Probe Police Shooting of Unarmed Black Teen
CAIR Asks Imams to Devote Sermons to Racial Equality in Response to Miss...
Video: CAIR-MI Director Discusses Protests of Michael Brown Shooting in Fe...
CAIR-CT: 'Black is Not a Crime' Rally to Be Held Today in New London
Video: CAIR-CT Sponsors Rally for Ferguson, Michael Brown
Ferguson Tension: American Muslims Will Relate

Over the past couple of weeks, the world has witnessed a massive and growing uprising against police brutality on streets across the United States. In the wake of the tragic police killing of Mike Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager, thousands of protestors -- yelling #HandsUp #DontShoot #JusticeforMikeBrown -- continue to rise up. The City of #Ferguson has subsequently become a focal point in national consciousness, re-igniting deeper conversations about racism, profiling, police brutality, and police militarization. Join us tonight to hear from a number of Muslim-Americans who have been active, on the streets and online, in this movement; hear perspective on what this moment means for the country and for Muslim-Americans, and learn how to get involved during this critical time.

Moderator: DAWUD WALID, is an African-American civil rights leader who serves as the Executive Director of Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR - Michigan), a chapter of America's largest advocacy and civil liberties organization for Muslims. Mr. Walid is a preacher of Islam, delivering sermons at Islamic centers nationwide, and is a political blogger for Detroit News. Read his recent op-ed on Mike Brown HERE


LINDA SARSOUR is a Palestinian-American civil rights leader and working mother of three who leads in social justice movements on a national and local level, addressing police brutality, spying, and racial profiling. Linda is the Executive Director of Arab American Association of New York and Advocacy Director of National Network for Arab American Communities

MUSTAFA ABDULLAH is an Egyptian-American, Program Associate at ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) of East Missouri. A former community organizer at CHANGE. Mr. Abdullah has been on the ground almost every other day and night, in Ferguson, engaging in community building and meeting with local officials and residents. See a recent civil rights-related op-ed HERE

MUHAMMED MALIK is a Kashmiri-American, currently serving on Amnesty International USA's 13-member human rights delegation, which is on the ground monitoring police on the streets of Ferguson. Mr. Malik is a long-time organizer and Former Executive Director of CAIR-SFL; he is currently Communications Director at Florida New Majority. Read op-ed HERE

FAIZAN SYED is Executive Director of CAIR-St. Louis. He was born in Lahore Pakistan and moved to the U.S. at the age of four. He grew up in Kirkwood Missouri where he lives today. Mr. Syed has been active in building relationships between communities on the ground in Ferguson.

JOIN US TODAY -  Thursday, August 21st, 2014 - 9PM (EST)
Call: 712-432-1001 - Attendee Code: 416280307#

*Martin Luther King: "Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere."

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 21, 2014 at 1:09pm

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on August 21, 2014 at 1:11pm


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