Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Atlanta Majils Shura Meeting at Al-Farooq – October 7, 2012 8:30 am


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Majlis As Shura Meeting Atlanta, Georgia


Introduction of ISPU – Institute of Policy and Understanding – Handout distributed

We can invite scholarly resources to educate the officials, leadership.


How to utilize CAIR and ISB as tools to represent a collective voice of Atlanta Muslims?

What is ISB?  Started in August 2001.  45 volunteer speakers. Interfaith.  Atlanta Public Broadcasting.  Efforts towards Shariah & Islamophobia issues.


What is CAIR? Chapters in 23 states.  It handles, primarily, discrimination issues in Atlanta.

Reaction to the film – Public Service Announcements

Oppress peoples online (Bilal Mahmood) to see the announcements



What is our reaction in case of a new war where the US gets engaged in the Muslim world?

Should we be communicating our concerns to the federal govt. about the upcoming unfortunate potential conflicts?

Form a committee of 5 people to be prepared with a proactive strategy to respond.

We need to establish contacts and relations with the political leadership as they are the ones who will be making decisions ultimately.

Issue of the Shariah to be addressed


What is needed?

Rapid Response Team

Relationships with Media

Relationships with Political Leadership


Next steps:

We need to define our own role within Majlis and then engage CAIR or ISB or any one else.  We need to discuss within our executive council to come up with the objectives of engaging them.


Taqwah Production Presentation

Abdul Raheem Akram – Manager Taqwah Productions

Consolidated Majlis Website

Digital Library at Taqwah Office



Imam’s Retreat

Let’s go back and study what’s already discussed last year during the SWOT analysis.  Share the documentation with the members – Exec committee should meet next week


Muslim Day Review

Financially we were break even.

Volunteers’ dinner is recommended

We need more physical partnership than the financial.

It should be for 2-days as we have to go through a lot of hoops to get the approval.  Vendors should be able to make some profits.

We need to have paid volunteers to handle the work.

Weather was also a concern.


Communication with ICNA on “Muslim Day” and “Muslim Family Day” dates should be improved to serve the community better.


NOTE: These are personal notes and in no way meant to record meeting minutes. : SN



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