Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

Dedicated to disseminating news & information not found in mainstream media....

I am so proud to be involved in an historic study of the African American Muslim community.
Sheikh Ihsan
                                                                        Dr. Ihsan Bagby PhD.
As part of the study, I am asking all African American Muslims to fill out the survey at: http://bit.ly/3VWmJOl Also see the QR link below.
This project, entitled Assessing the State of the African American Muslim Community, is a joint effort of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), the Conveners of Imams Associated with the Community of W. Deen Mohammed, the Muslim Journal, Al-Ummah, and the Muslim Wellness Foundation. This historic project is an effort to bring together African American Muslims across the United States to closely analyze the issues facing the African American Muslim Community, and to produce a consensus list of action items to address those issues. The four-phased project will begin with an Online Survey starting in December 2022. Other phases include a convening of African American Muslim leaders to discuss the issues and then a National Online Town Hall to get input from everyone.
If you are African American, I'm asking that you assist with the following for the success of this historic effort:
1. Share the Online Survey with your masjid and organization members.
2. Post this short link http://bit.ly/3VWmJOl to the Online Survey and the project advertisement on your website and social media platforms. A QR code is also provided below that you can share and post in your masjid.
You can contact me at ihsanbagby@gmail.com to figure out ways that you might help.
Also you might contact the Coordinator of this project:
Mika'il Stewart-Saadiq, MANA Executive Director | mikailed@manajustice.org | 859-455-6308 m
Muslim Alliance in North America
535 Griswold St. Suite 111-26
Detroit, MI 48226
859-455-6384 | manajustice.org
Please share with at least 3 of your friends...

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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on December 21, 2022 at 9:02pm

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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Oppressed Peoples Online Word 

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