Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Waging war at home or abroad requires enemies. America creates them when none exist. Imperial strategy demands


by Stephen Lendman

them. Post-9/11, Muslims were targeted for political advantage. Post-Boston bombings, America's war on Islam continues. Muslims are "war on terror" scapegoats. Washington's Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia wars rage. It's the wrong time to be Muslims in America. They're persecuted for their faith and ethnicity. At times it's for their activism, prominence, and/or charity.

They're dehumanized, spied on, set up as patsies, hunted down, rounded up, held in detention, kept in isolation, denied bail, restricted in their right to counsel, tried on secret evidence, convicted on bogus charges, given long sentences, and treated harshly as political prisoners.

The term "Islamofascism" was popularized. Some call it Islamic radicalism or jihadism. The New Oxford American Dictionary calls it "a controversial term equating some modern Islamic movements with the European fascist movements of the early twentieth century."

The Urban Dictionary says it "refers to the notion that Islam is not so much a religion as it is a political ideology that in many ways resembles 'fascism.' " 

"An Islamofascist can either be an Islamic fundamentalist, or someone who uses violence or bullying tactics to impose Islamic principles on others...."

It's used to describe groups like Al Qaeda. In 2008, Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) headlined "The Dirty Dozen - Who's who among America's leading Islamophobes."

FAIR called David Horowitz its "premier promoter." His 2007 "Islamofascism Awareness Week" attracted leading Muslim haters. Author Robert Spencer was called a prominent Islam-basher. He publishes the "notoriously Islamophobic website" "Jihad Watch.

Daniel Pipes founded the Middle East Forum think tank. Media scoundrels mischaracterize him as an Islamic "scholar." He defends racially profiling Arab Americans. He calls their presence a "true danger" for Jews.

Michael Savage hosts "The Savage Nation." It's a nationally syndicated radio talk show. He relentlessly uses hateful language. He once endorsed killing a hundred million Muslims. He did so on air. Pat Robertson calls Islam violent and irrational. It's "not a religion," he says. It's a "worldwide political movement." It's "meant to subjugate all people under Islamic law." It's a "bloody, brutal type of religion."

Others on FAIR's list included Fox News' Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, conservative political commentator Mark Steyn, self-styled Islamic terrorist expert Steven Emerson, conservative blogger/commentator Michelle Malkin, former Fox News host Glenn Beck, and political commentator Debbie Schlussel.

Connect the dots. The Boston bombings connect eerily to 9/11. Muslims were blamed both times. America's war on terror targets them. It continues at home and abroad. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's a naturalized US citizen. Senators Lindsey Graham (R. SC), John McCain (R. AZ) and Kelly Ayotte (R. NH), as well as Rep. Peter King (R. NY) want him held as an "enemy combatant." They want him denied fundamental rights.

King chairs the House Homeland Security Committee. He's also an Intelligence Committee member. He wants more surveillance. "It keeps us ahead of the terrorists who are constantly trying to kill us," he said. Big Brother no longer is fiction. Total surveillance is possible. New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington, Boston, and other cities use growing numbers of video cameras.

They monitor streets, commercial areas, airports, highways, public and private transportation, shopping malls, government and  business buildings, as well as other places where people congregate, work, reside, recreate, or inhabit for any reason. King and others want more. Drone surveillance may be expedited. Legislation authorized eye in the sky spying. Civil libertarians call all forms of surveillance an unregulated privacy threat.

In his April 20 weekly address, Obama suggested perhaps what's coming. He called Monday's incident "an act of terror....But in the days since....Americans refuse to be terrorized."

"....Boston's spirit remains undaunted. America's spirit remains undimmed....(T)hat's what makes us strong. That's why we endure."

"In the days to come, we will remain vigilant as a nation." Expect the worst to follow.

Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are called Islamic terrorists. Media scoundrels characterize them that way. 

Round-the-clock coverage pronounced guilt by accusation. What's most important to know is suppressed. Managed news misinformation substitutes. 

Both brothers were set up as patsies. One's dead. The other's seriously wounded. He remains hospitalized. He's at Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. He's under heavy guard. He'll be interrogated when able to respond. He won't be read his Miranda rights. On April 20, the ACLU headlined a "Statement on Miranda Rights of Boston Bombings Suspect," saying:

"The American Civil Liberties Union reacted to the apprehension of the suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing and statements from federal officials that he would be questioned without being read his Miranda rights."

Full Article:  http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/terror/23-04-2013/124394-america_...

Views: 115

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 29, 2013 at 1:08pm




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