Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Pop Culture Hijabi is going to have a review for you on Saturday, but I had to put in my own two cents while the show is


           Sister Mariam Sobh Founder of Hijabtrendz

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still fresh on my mind. :)

I just got done watching TLC’s “All American Muslim” and I have to say that I was prepared for the worst and was pleasantly surprised.


Many people have been saying that this show is really about Arabs and not so much about being an “American Muslim” and I can see their point. It is definitely something that played in my mind. I was particularly worried because Dearborn, Michigan is so Arab that I was afraid it would completely over shadow the fact that these cast members are actually here because they are “Americans who happen to be Muslim”.

It made me think that by accusing these folks of not being the proper representation of what we think of as an American Muslim we are being just as harsh as critics who try to say that we can’t be Muslim and American at the same time.

What I think is that this is the first time we’ve seen a cast of Muslims on television that visibly show a variety of levels in faith. It showcases how human we are and how some of us practice our faith to a t and some of us don’t. It is still the beginning of the series, but I’m very hopeful that with future episodes and more support from the Muslim community, there will be room for a more varied cast or even more programming on TLC and other channels featuring Muslims.

Instead of complaining that we don’t have the “perfect” show that meets all of our very different ideas of what it means to be an “American Muslim” I believe we should embrace it and hope for its success. Who knows, maybe we’ll see one of you in a future reality show :)

Of course this is just my opinion. What do you think? If you disagree, what would your ideal solution be?



Views: 77

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on November 15, 2011 at 1:02pm


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