Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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77 Principals from the Quran and the Sunnah,that supports stability in your life.

77 principles from the Quran and the Sunna, that supports stability...

by Imam Abu Laith Luqman Ahmad

Dear beloveds, these are tough times that we live in. many families are in turmoil. Drug abuse, incarceration, spousal abuse, and dysfunction, ignorance of religion, wanton violence and killing, fanaticism, marital discord, social instability, emotional baggage, juvenile delinquency, and hardened hearts are plaguing our communities in the United States.  Many of these things are signs of the last days, and there will be in the coming years, many spiritual casualties. Below are seventy-seven principles, from the Quran and from the sunna of our Prophet (SAWS) that will aid the Muslim in restoring and maintaining steadiness in his or her life. If you are experiencing instability in your life; then practicing these principles will help you in sha Allah.

  1. If at all possible, be married not single
  2. Honor your parents
  3. Teach your children the right way to behave.
  4. Always speak the truth, even if it is bitter
  5. Establish prayer
  6. Always observe the month of Ramadan.
  7. Do not compromise religious principles for monetary gain.
  8. Maintain good character
  9. Establish order in your home.
  10. Pay your zakaat dutifully
  11. Make Hajj when you are able
  12. Learn your religion
  13. Don't make excuses for not for fulfilling your obligations
  14. Be kind to your neighbors
  15. Honor your guests
  16. Be fair and just in your dealings
  17. Speak kindly to your spouse
  18. Pay off your debts
  19. Get an education.
  20. Remember your Lord much and mention his name throughout the day.
  21. Take time out for your family
  22. Take time out for yourself
  23. Take care of your health
  24. Keep your religion simple and don’t make it complicated
  25. Do not make prohibited what Allah has allowed
  26. Don’t worship the scholars , but take the good from them
  27. Avoid fornication and adultery like the plague
  28. Don't waste money
  29. Do not oppress anyone, ever.
  30. Don't waste time
  31. Maintain good relations with your relatives.
  32. Protect your children from harm.
  33. Avoid the use of profanity
  34. Say what you mean, and mean what you say.
  35. Don’t be two-faced.
  36. Be kind and benevolent to the orphans
  37. Be loyal to what you believe
  38. Avoid unlawful relationships
  39. Don't beg for anything from anyone, except from Allah
  40. Give salaams, to those who you know, and those who don't know.
  41. don't be envious of what other people have, except those who have      knowledge of religion and teach it to others, and those who have money and      give it to charity
  42. Be part of a Muslim community
  43. Don’t confuse religion with culture
  44. Don't waste food
  45. Be grateful for the things you have.
  46. Don’t be self-destructive
  47. Embrace parenting
  48. Avoid religious extremism
  49. Avoid religious sectarianism
  50. Don't argue with people about your faith.
  51. Visit the sick
  52. Never associate partners with Allah; not ever.
  53. Stay away from intoxicants
  54. Don’t say that which you do not do.
  55. Avoid close association with unrighteous people
  56. Mind your own business
  57. Always have the right intentions.
  58. Keep observant of the Friday prayers
  59. Support Allah so that He will support you
  60. Avoid complaining too much
  61. Find content in what Allah has given you
  62. Look to those who have less than you do; not to those who have more      than you do.
  63. Stay close to the masaajid
  64. Be a part of a Muslim community that has an imam
  65. Trust in Allah in all of your affairs
  66. Always observe cleanliness and the principles of Muslim hygiene
  67. Be proud of your faith
  68. Give sincere advice and be willing to take it from others.
  69. Avoid religious innovation
  70. Be consistent.
  71. Don’t let your children rule your home
  72. Always be present at the two Eids
  73. Embrace islamic spirituality according to the sunna
  74. Accept Islam totally without pre-conditions
  75. Be sincere in your worship
  76. Love the Prophet (SAWS), and send salutations upon him (SAWS).
  77. Love the righteous, and give them respect.

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