Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless
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Muslims… What We All Gon’ Do?
21st Century Muslim Challenge
The Reality of the Situation Facing Muslims in the New Millennium
“Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: “We believe!” and they will not be tested?” Sura Ankabut 29:2
Those of us who say we follow the way of Nabi Muhammad ibn Abdullah Rasoolullah – Prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah Messenger of ALLAH (peace be upon him [pbuh]) – are being severely tested by events unfolding on the world stage. ALLAH only knows whether or not we are passing that test or miserably failing it. At present the Muslim Ummah is being subjected to the worst onslaught of settler-colonial-genocide to have occurred since the horrendous attacks committed in the criminal take-over of ‘Turtle Island’: the name applied to the country referred to as north america. It was a horror that involved the decimation of millions of the Native Peoples who were indigenous to that land mass. In addition, millions more Afrikans were killed and/or taken captive and displaced throughout the western hemisphere to provide cheap labor for the colonial ventures of the european imperialists.
Regardless what biden and his press-secretary said at the beginning of the current Palestinian genocide; “There is another side of this story.” It’s a historical fact that the zionist, with the aid and backing of the american, british and a few european governments, evicted the peoples who had lived on those lands for millenia when they committed the ‘Nakba’. What gave them the right to expel the people indigenous to that land and give it to the Jews? While they might think they’re lords with the right to do whatever they want with the lives of others; the rest of the world doesn’t see it that way.
The people of Palestine just want their homes back. Plain and simple. It should be very easy for any reasonable thinking person to understand that. What self-respecting people wouldn’t want to return to their land after being forced off of it? This is the crux of the current problem forming the basis of the test that faces not only the global Muslim nations and peoples, but the entire collective of those who would be considered the civilized nations of the world. The ongoing aftermath of the criminal occupation of the ancestral lands of the Palestinian people conducted by the zionists lies at the root of the entire catastrophe unfolding in the ‘Middle-East’; as they and their sponsors are indiscriminately killing thousands of infants, babies, children and women in open violation of numerous international laws. It should also be noted that the Afghan, Iraqi and Libyan fiascos were all ramifications of the hegemonistic, expansionist agenda of the exact same neo-colonialist, genocidal cabala.
"Agreed are the Salaf, the Pious Predecessors, those who succeeded them, the ulama of the four Madhabs (Hanafi, Maliki, Shaffie and Hanbal), the Muhadditheen, the commentators of Qur’an and all people of understanding in all ages of Islam: "That if a piece of Muslim land the size of a hand span is infringed upon, then Jihad becomes Fard al-Ayn [a global obligation incumbent on each single Muslim] on every Muslim male and female; where the child shall march forward without the permission of its parents, the wife without the permission of the husband and the debtor without the permission of the creditor. And if the Muslims of the land cannot expel the kuffar because of lack of forces, because they slacken, are indolent or simply do not act; then the Fard al-Ayn obligation spreads in the shape of a circle from the nearest to the next nearest. If they too slacken or there is again a shortage of manpower, then it is upon the people behind them and on the people behind them to march forward. This process continues until it becomes Fard al-Ayn upon the whole world.”
In Defense of the Muslims Lands – Sheikh Abdullah Azzam
“Do you think that you will enter Paradise without ALLAH knowing those of you who fought (in His Cause) and knowing those who are the patient.” Sura Al-Imran 3:142
“Jihad is Fard ‘ala al-Kifayah under normal conditions. Should some people fulfill it, the rest of the Muslims stand relieved [of the obligation] subject to the condition that those engaged in Jihad are sufficient for carrying it out. If the situation is otherwise, Jihad will become an obligation (Fard al-Ayn) on all Muslims living in the neighboring areas who will have to come forward to help the Mujahideen.
When the Jihad waged by some people is sufficient to repel against the enemy attack, other Muslims are absolved of the duty. Should it be that their Jihad needs additional support, it becomes an absolute obligation on Muslims living in the immediate area in the first instance. If this support too turns out to be still deficient, Jihad becomes an absolute obligation on Muslims living in the nearby proximity. Finally, just in case, they too are unable to meet the challenge from the enemy, the mantle of Jihad duty falls on the shoulders of Muslims to the limit that there may come a time when every Muslim from the [farthest] East and the [farthest] West may have to participate in the Jihad as a solemn obligation.”
Ma'ariful Qur’an Vol. 2
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said: “When people are stingy with their money, buy and sell on credit, follow the tails of cattle and abandon Jihad in The Way of ALLAH; ALLAH will inflict a humiliation on them which will not lift from them until they go back to their religion.”
Considering the above, is it any wonder why Muslims find themselves humiliated by the prevailing fitnah? [Fitnah is a difficult test or trial sometimes involving the oppression of the powerful over the weak.] Not to mention the fact that The Creator may very well cause us to face the exact same trials and tribulations as a punishment for neglecting to come to the aid of those afflicted by this horrific crime and injustice being suffered by our brothers and sisters while many of us sit on the sidelines like spectators.
It is reported that Abu Bakr As-Siddiq (ALLAH be pleased with him) heard the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) say: “When people see an oppressor and do not stop him from practicing his oppression it is likely ALLAH will punish them all .”
Jihad is just as important an aspect of the Deen of Islam in today’s struggle against evil and falsehood, and just as relevant to our current world reality, as it was centuries ago. This cannot be denied. Jihad can never, ever be considered to be obsolete, outdated, inapplicable nor unnecessary. It has been mentioned in many sections of the Qur’an as a duty under specific circumstances. The fact that we live in a highly technological era with computerized surveillance and highly advanced weapons systems does not absolve Muslims of their obligations in its regard. The evasion of Jihad is a major sin. As difficult and unattractive a thing one may think it to be; the responsibility to wage it cannot be denied and/or ignored. To do so places those who neglect it in a state of grave consequence. This is a fact. One cannot skate around nor wiggle from under it. The only question is what are Muslims going to do about it?
Death at the hands or at the end of the weapon of the enemy is much better than being consigned to hell for committing the sin of evading Jihad. As a matter of fact, to be killed while in the service of waging Jihad is an honor. The reward it can bring has no comparison in any of the pleasantries of this mortal world. Those who attain that exalted station are surpassed only by the Prophets and Messengers – Nabieen wa Mursaleen (peace be upon them all) and the True Scholars – Ulama.
To be silent in the wake of the genocides occurring in various regions of the Afrikan continent, in India, Palestine and anywhere else on the planet, including right here in america [where people of Afrikan, Latino and Native Indigenous descent are being subjected to systemic excesses and injustices leading to widespread killings and/or “Deliberately inflicting on the [a] group conditions of life calculated bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”...] is to be complicit in the wrong perpetrated. To remain mute and/or inactive while witnessing grave, atrocious crimes is to be part and parcel to the criminal act itself. Fear of reprisals from criminal, deranged perpetrators is not a valid excuse for taking a neutral, non-participatory stance in the face of obvious wrongdoing. Choosing to not get involved so as to avoid disturbing one’s ‘comfort zone’ or out of fear jeopardizing one’s life does not alleviate one of her or his accountability. The onus cannot be avoided.
Jihad never is, never was and never will be reformatory in its purpose and nature. Its purpose is to seek total transformation of society by rendering the world into the place it was created to be: an abode of truth, love, justice and peace where the emphasis is on adoration, love, obedience, reverence, submission and worship to, and of, GOD. Its’ sole mission is to make the ‘Word of ALLAH’ supreme and, thereby, produce a world that is equitable, fair and just exhibiting no discrimination, partisanship or preferential treatment based on distinctions of culture, ethnicity, nationality or pigment.
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Musa Ash'ari that once a man went to the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) and said: "One man fights for the sake of spoils of war, the second one fights for fame and glory and the third to display his courage and skill. Which among them is the fighter for the Cause of Allah? Upon this the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) replied: He who fights with the sole objective that the ‘Word of Allah’ should become supreme is a Mujahid in the cause of the Lord."
Under a social order wherein the ‘Word of GOD’ is supreme the crimes, excesses and sins of drunkenness, gambling, homosexuality, nudity, sexual perversion, promiscuity and wholesale vice would not be allowed to flourish; reducing men and women to the status of slaves to their passions. The greed of the few would not be allowed to promote and perpetuate the deprivation and poverty of the many. Behavior patterns that tend to debase people in the ‘Eyes of GOD’ would be discouraged and portrayed for what they are: disgraceful, immoral and repugnant. Honorable conduct that elevates and refines human nature would be encouraged and instilled in the hearts and minds of each member of society.
The truth of the matter is the fact that ‘wahn’ [the love of life and fear of death] is the reason Muslims remain suffering under the tyranny of the rejectors of truth. The question is: when do we shed ourselves of the ‘fear of death’ and do what’s in our best interest in ‘The Sight of ALLAH’?
Abu Bakr Saddiq and Umar bin Al-Khatab (may ALLAH be pleased with both of them) always made the clear point that Muslims never gained victory in battle due to superior numbers or weapons. It was due to their belief in, along with their dedication, devotion and obedience to and worship of ALLAH coupled with the sins of their enemies that they always won in battle. Plain and simple. The Reality of ALLAH as the ultimate determining factor in victory in battle is the same as it was over 1400 years ago. Muslims today need to start conducting themselves in manners consistent with that to which they claim belief.
There are numerous ‘heads of state’ and leaders of various nations of the Muslim Ummah who preside over well-equipped military forces. They are ‘flirting with disaster’ as they engage in empty rhetoric while the ‘enemies of GOD’ are fiendishly committing every murderous crime defined under the genocide convention. They should respond to the situation appropriately and avoid falling under the category of those described in the 77th ayyat of Sura Nisa’ where it reads: “But when fighting was ordained for them: Behold!!!...a section of them feared men as – or even more than – they should have feared ALLAH.” For the sake of their souls they should take decisive action and trust in ALLAH and use the resources ALLAH has bestowed upon them in His Cause. Bi-ithni ALLAH, [by the Divine Decree of ALLAH] they will be granted victory or martyrdom. In either case, insha ALLAH [by the Will of ALLAH], they cannot and will not lose.
We have been informed that “Three classes of men will be cut-off from the benediction of heaven. The oppressor, those who aid and abet oppression and those who acquiesce to oppression.” Ali bin Abu Talib (May ALLAH be pleased with him and bless his countenance.)
Our inactivity in the midst of this horrific tragedy amounts to complicity. Nonresistance to blatant injustice unfolding before a person's very eyes will ultimately cause one to suffer the consequences of their inactions. The evil consequences of standing-by idly while atrocities are committed will catch up to those guilty of such cowardice sooner or later. It will always be far better to meet death with honor rather than live and die a life of shame under the subjugation and tyranny of unclean, polytheistic, sinful, idol-worshippers. Always has been! Always will be!
“Let those fight in the cause of ALLAH who would sacrifice this life for the hereafter. And whoever fights in ALLAH’s cause - whether they achieve martyrdom or victory - We will honor them with a great reward.
And what is [the matter] with you that you do not fight in the cause of ALLAH and [for] the oppressed among men, women and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint from Yourself one who will help.
Those who believe fight in the cause of ALLAH. Those who disbelieve fight in the cause of evil. So fight against the friends of satan. Indeed, satan’s schemes are ever weak.” An-Nisa’ 4:74–76
“Had not ALLAH checked one group of people by ‘the might of’ another, corruption would have dominated the earth, but ALLAH is Gracious to all.” Al-Baqarah 2:251
Take all the above for what it’s worth! ALLAH knows it’s the truth as do many of you who have read this. So, in closing…Muslims, what we all gon’ do?
Kofi Bilal Mahmud
Executive Director
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