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One of the most distinguished women who took part in the battle of
Uhud, if not the most distinguished of them, was Nasibah bint Ka'b
al-Maziniyyah, Umm 'Umarah (May Allah be pleased with her). At the
beginning of the battle, she was bringing water and tending the
wounded, as the other women were doing. When the battle was
going in the favor of the Muslims, the archers disobeyed the command
of the Prophet (saw), and this turned the victory into defeat, as the
Qur'an described it: "Behold! You were climbing up the high ground,
without even casting a side glance at anyone, and the Messenger in
your rear was calling you back.." (3:153)

At this point, Nasibah went forward, with her sword unsheathed and her
bow in her hand, to join the small group who were standing firm with
the Prophet, acting as a human shield to protect him from the arrows
of the non-believers. Every time danger approached the Prophet, she
hastened to protect him. The Messenger of Allah noticed this, and
later said, "Wherever I turned, to the left or the right, I saw her
fighting for me." Her son 'Umarah also described what happened on that
tremendous day, "On that day, I was wounded in my left hand. A man who
seemed to be as tall as a palm-tree struck me, then went away without
pursuing me to finish me off. The blood began to flow copiously, so
the Messenger of Allah told me, 'Bind up your wound.' My mother came
to me, and she was wearing a waist-wrapper. She dressed my wound,
whilst the Prophet was looking on. Then she told me, 'Get up, my son,
and fight the people.' The Prophet (s.a.w) said, 'Who could bear what
you are putting up with, O Umm 'Umarah?' She said: The man who had
struck my son was passing by at that moment and the Messenger of Allah
(s.a.w) said, 'This is the one who struck your son.' I intercepted him
and hit him in the thigh, and he collapsed. I saw the Messenger of
Allah smiling so broadly that I could see his back teeth. He said,
'You have taken your revenge, O Umm 'Umarah!' Then we struck him with
our weapons until we killed him, and the Prophet (s.a.w) said: 'Praise
be to Allah (swt), who granted you victory over him, gave you the
satisfaction of taking revenge on your enemy, and let you see the
vengeance for yourself." On this day, Nasibah herself received many
wounds whilst she was fighting the people and striking their chests.
The Prophet (s.a.w) saw her, and called to her son, "Your mother! Your
mother! See to her wounds, may Allah (swt) bless you and your
household! Your mother has fought better than so-and-so." When his
mother heard what the Prophet said, she said, "Pray to Allah (swt)
that we may accompany you in Paradise." He said, "O Allah, make them
my companions in Paradise." She said, " I do not care what befalls me
in this world." Source: Excerpted from the book "The Ideal Muslimah"
by Dr. Muhammad Ali Al Hashimi. Taken from
— with Taqiyah Muslimah.

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Views: 277

Comment by Umm Muhammad on October 29, 2012 at 8:42pm

It was never made mandatory for Muslim women to fight in wars...the few who did volunteered.


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