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Zakat U.S.A.


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Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 1, 2017 at 3:50pm

United Benefit Dinner, 2017 Atlanta, Ga.   Bilal Mahmud, Executive Director, Zakat U.S.A.

                                       Zakat U.S.A.
                                           Email: zakatinusa@gmail.com 

Zakat U.S.A. is a benevolent fund which is a subsidiary of, the Ibrahim ONour Charitable Fund is a non-profit (501-c tax exempt) ,  “apolitical” , benevolent institution dedicated to attempting to meet the needs of the poor and less fortunate in the Muslim,  and Non-Muslim community in the United States of America.  The fund is not connected to any Mosque or organization, Islamic or otherwise, even though we may work in conjunction with other charitable organizations while maintaining our autonomy.
The primary criterion use to distribute funds entrusted to the fund will be the eight categories mentioned in the Quran regarding Zakat…
The fund is administer by Imam Bilal Mahmud, Sister Ruyaa Cummings, and Sheikh Khalil Abdur Rashid, who serves as the Religious Advisor of the fund. 

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 1, 2017 at 3:51pm

The Fund is named in honor  and memory of my late friend and Brother in Islam Ibrahim ONour.  Brother Ibrahim came to America from Sudan to pursue a higher education in the Engineering field, little did he know that he would become very much involved in the initial steps of establishing Islamic institutions here in America.  Ibrahim ONour was the first Imam of the Al-Farooq Masjid of Atlanta, Ga. ,  as the Imam he was very active in the propagation of Islam, but took a very special interest in the assisting those less fortunate in the society by initiating a zakat distribution program in the Masjid.  Upon his leaving America for his homeland he entrusted that responsibility to me.  In the initial stages I did not full understand the gravity of this work.  As time has passed (nearly 36 years) I have come to realize the need and the necessity to establish a fund to take this work to the next level, which is the establishing the  Ibrahim ONour Charitable Fund /Zakat U.S.A.,  to attempt to keep this legacy alive.
As stated, we strive to meet the need of needy Muslim, that being our ethos we have collaborated with other organizations, and generous donors to not only make a difference in American, but in the world.  During 2016 we handled disbursement in the amount of over 140k, on projects primarily in American and Africa.  We were blessed to be a part of two surgeries for Muslim children, who needed to travel to India for much need surgeries, one of which we just finalized in the last month.    We have also collaborated with our partners to open a school for boys and girls in West Africa.  We have been blessed to be a part of repairing the infrastructure of one village in West Africa also.  
This is just some of the work that we are able to do with the help of Allah and your generous contributions.  We ask that you open your hearts and donated that we may make a difference in do this work.  TEAM= Together Everyone Achieves More
Imam Bilal Mahmud/Executive Director Zakat U.S.A.

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on April 3, 2017 at 6:16am


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