Fellow Muslims keep asking me why I support Kamala Harris. Here’s what I say....

I have heard from many who say they’ll vote third-party to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the major party candidates, or who say they will not vote at all. As tantalizing as some of these third-party candidates may be, they are not a viable option. Other third-party candidates have deeply problematic and even dangerous stances on international relations, health care and immigration. 

BMLC Meets Kamala Harris

Not voting is not an option either. The threat that faces our country, and our world, is too great not to use the greatest gift of democracy: our vote. In its purest essence, politics is about strategy. This sometimes means having to make tough choices to achieve the best possible outcome for ourselves and our community. It would be nice to agree with each and every one of our chosen candidate’s decisions and platforms. But we do not have to do this to keep our democracy alive.

Full article:  https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/kamala-harris-gaza-ceasefire-muslim-vote-rcna169643?fbclid=IwY2xjawFHNzFleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHToiVFJjpeq7pBGIsCxPtykF43izZvZDiernonp_HfpSSHeRqltFMxiPsw_aem_X2EoHRXChpoUaozhuRKsZg