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This is the Truth: The Garden of Eternity, or the Blazing Fire!!!

Allah says: “Tell them, (O Prophet): “Did you consider (what would be your end) if this Qur'an were indeed from Allah and yet you rejected it? And this, even though a witness from the Children of Israel has testified to the like of it. But he believed, while you remained arrogant. Verily Allah does not guide such wrong-doers to the Right Way.” (46Al-Ahqaf:10)


This does not mean that they should believe in it only because of the danger, that if it were really from Allah they would be inviting their own doom, by denying it. But it means this: It is not wisdom, that you should be bent upon stubbornly opposing it without seriously trying to understand what it says. You cannot assert that you have come to know, that this Qur’an is not from God. Do you know, with certainty, that God has not sent it? Obviously, your refusal to believe in it, as the divine Word, is not based on knowledge, but on guesswork, which may possibly be right, as well as wrong. Now consider both the possibilities.


If your guesswork were right, then, according to your own thinking, both the believers and the unbelievers would be equal. Because both will become dust after death, and there is no life Hereafter where belief and unbelief might be distinguished. However, if this Qur’an were really from God, and that which it is forewarning does really take place, then think what doom you would invite for yourselves by denying it and opposing it like that.


Therefore, your own interest demands that you should give up stubbornness and consider this Qur’an seriously. If even after due consideration, you decide not to believe in it, you may not, but you should not oppose it to the extent that you start employing lies, deception and persecution to bar the way of its message, and prevent others from believing in it. Why not be content with your own unbelief?


Furthermore, Allah says: “Nay, the truth is that it is the Hour to which they give the lie. We have kept a Blazing Fire ready for him who denies the Hour. When it sees them from afar, they will hear its raging and roaring, and when they are flung, chained together, into a narrow place in it, they will fervently call there for annihilation. (They will then be told): "Do not call for a single annihilation, but for many an annihilation." Ask them: "Is this state better, or the Garden of Eternity, which the God-fearing have been promised?" It shall be their recompense and the end-point of their journey. The Garden, wherein whatever they desire will be fulfilled. In it they shall abide for ever. This is a promise whose fulfillment Your Lord has made incumbent on Himself.” (25Al-Furqan:11-16)


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