Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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Jumah at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

Event Details

Jumah at the 2012 Democratic National Convention

Time: August 31, 2012 at 2pm to September 1, 2012 at 10pm
Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Website or Map: http://events.r20.constantcon…
Phone: 973.596.8358
Event Type: jumah, prayer, -, islamic, cultural, fest, town, hall, issues, conference, native, deen, live
Organized By: Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs
Latest Activity: Jun 23, 2012

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Event Description

The Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affairs (BIMA) is a non-profit organization designed to serve and facilitate the efforts of Islamic organizations and institutions in their endeavors as well as spread awareness about indigenous Muslim issues.

Labor Day Weekend, BIMA will be hosting an open air Jumah Prayer at the Democratic National Convention that will be held this year in Charlotte, NC. This platform is non-political and non-partisan.

BIMA intent for Jumah at the DNC is to address the concerns and issues that are challenging to the American Muslim citizen in the 21st century. Rallying large numbers of Muslims to participate in this historical event will make the general public aware that the Muslim community is a healthy and vibrant component to the American society.

Being that these events will occur Labor Day Weekend we felt that it would be most convenient for Muslims to travel without being inhibited by their jobs and work schedules. Also it is the best time for Muslims to capture national and international attention.

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