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A Warning From A Witness

Rev Gary Mason: 

NGUMC: Being One With Each Other: Learning from Rev. Dr. Gary Mason

By Imam Nadim S. Ali 

I had the honor of attending a dinner at The Emory University Conference Center on 09/20/22.  The dinner was  convened by Faith Forward Democracy, a group that consists of people across the political spectrum.  The goal is to encourage people to have meaningful dialogue about the direction of this country.  The hope is to stem the polarization that exists in this country, and avert  political violence. 

The invited speaker was Rev. Gary Mason, a pastor and peacemaker who has spent his life working in divided societies, including in his native northern Ireland as well as in Israel and Palestine. Rev. Mason was a witness to the violence in his home country of Ireland. 

He was able to offer a warning to those present that the United States is headed towards a state of political violence similar to the violence that occured in Northern Ireland. 

He stated that the difference between what happened in Northern Ireland is a microcosm of what could occur in this country should more toxic political violence occur.   

The United States has more guns than people, well over 390 million weapons.  There are mainstream politicians alluding to political violence, and predicting a second civil war.

Rev. Mason stated that this country, unlike Ireland, can avert this tragedy by encouraging people at all ends of the political spectrum to talk to each other.  He charged the faith leaders present to do their best to communicate a message of peace to the attendees of Temples, Churches, and Masajid(Mosques). 

 He emphasized the importance of talking to those who we don’t agree with.  He especially pointed out the necessity of talking to the many armed right wing militias that are present in this country.  

He stated that once the shooting starts it will be a” bloodbath”.   The events of January 6th 2022 in Washington , DC was a precursor to the anarchy that could occur should the forces of repression take power in this country.

He shared that increasing the trust is an important step in the right direction, and communication with respect among people who hold varying perspectives is key.  He shared that communication and trust will allow a humanization process to occur that can interrupt the demonization that is occurring on all sides.  

The American experiment has not completely born fruit for all of its citizens, and there has to be a strive for equity.  The healing that began to occur during the 1960’s has taken a setback in recent decades in part due to the perception that progress of the underserved is a zero sum game.

If the United States is to become a country that provides equity and diversity to all then those that enjoy the benefits of the status quo must be willing to take a risk by committing to power sharing.  The legacy of slavery must be addressed.  Gaslighting those that confront racism must cease. To achieve this the United States must convene its own Truth and Reconciliation Council. 

Views: 48

Comment by Bilal Mahmud المكافح المخلص on October 5, 2022 at 10:26pm

Kofi Bilal Mahmud

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