Oppressed Peoples Online Word...The Voice Of The Voiceless

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The following statement was written by me in my capacity as the Deputy Amir of The Muslim Alliance in
Imam Al-Hajj Talib 'Abdur-Rashid
Muslim Activist Leader
Nortrh America (MANA) and the Amir (President) of the Majlis Ash-Shura of Metropolitan NY .It was written for an event that was held yesterday in Atlanta, organized by supporters of Imam Jamil, including the indefatigable Hajj Mauri Saalakhan:
"A Day Of Action” for Imam Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin
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We must not rest until the judicial system addresses these matters in a just and impartial way. May Almighty God bless this effort and all ones like it, and those of you who have helped to make this day a reality !

IMAM JAMIL AL-AMIN: http://www.freeimamjamil.com/index.html

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